Recent content by Moph

    1. M

      Either the developers don't care, or they are going at an extremely slow pace. (rant)

      Well, this will come back to bite you in the arse. Enjoy getting it off your chest before there are any other posts.
    2. M

      Sci-fi ship size comparison

      The smallest one I managed to find was the Star Trek, Klingon Empire, B\'rel Class, 109 metres. I think valid ships need to have the text next to them. Some of them have poor image editing/cropping so there appear to be specks around some ships, such as above the text of the Praetor-II Class...
    3. M

      Power system...

      My advice would be to start with a small ship and gradually progress to larger sizes. There are quite a few things that you can run away with and later end up kicking yourself once you find out you need to re-fit your entire ship. Power generation being a very important one, make sure you know...
    4. M

      Power system...

      The 1,000,000 e/sec is something you can\'t do anything about, it\'s just there, it exists. There\'s no reason to break into reactor building once you hit it. Just keep building out a single power grouping into the 3 dimensions as far as you can, and then when you can\'t extend it further...
    5. M

      Sci-fi ship size comparison

      Just to note, it says in the updates that the Tardis is 0.25 and may be in Red Dwarf or anywhere else on the image. In other words, you won\'t be able to distinguish where it is as it\'s hasn\'t been able to draw a single pixel. Good luck to anyone hunting for it.
    6. M

      Power system...

      That\'s how the game is programmed, after 1,000,000 e/sec, the amount you gain decreases. Also, you\'re far better off making one large reactor instead of multiple small ones.
    7. M

      Mass Effect Sovereign class Reaper in progress. Requesting volunteers

      You defined ratios, and then called them fractions; there was no watering down. If you said they were like fractions, fair enough, but you mis-represented an entire mathematical concept when educating someone. P.S. Aside from seeming slightly insane with your comparison, you should choose only...
    8. M

      Mass Effect Sovereign class Reaper in progress. Requesting volunteers

      Sorry for being pedantic, but since you\'re explaining them for someone else\'s knowledge I have to say, those are RATIOs. They do work the same way as fractions do though for all intents and purposes here. Ratios are generally used when you\'re comparing two different things to each other...
    9. M

      lets talk about the state of the game.

      I can see you\'ve gone to great efforts with writing up this post. You are on the right track thinking of gameplay first. However, you should try to make specific suggestions about how things should work, rather than comment that things don\'t work well; provide an alternative. It will...
    10. M

      The shield change is not a nerf

      Oh god, why are you pulling out differentiation and integration? It\'s only a percentage problem. You\'re making this ten times more complex than what you\'re trying to defend. At any tick through the game loop, with a linear calculation of shield regeneration, it will be as simple as...
    11. M

      Looking for the biggest ships

      This is pretty much beyond normal compliments like \"Ooh, nice ship!\". I really hope you have a job where you earn money from doing stuff like this...
    12. M

      The shield change is not a nerf

      Sure, but that has nothing to do with the price of cheese in my country, so what\'s your point? Let\'s try to keep the discussion linked to the actual content perhaps? Try comparing shielding methods with other shielding methods. Because you can either have one or the other, and the...
    13. M

      The shield change is not a nerf

      Is there any moment when there\'s no recharge at 0%? Since the shield level doesn\'t contribute to anything other than preventing hull damage until it\'s spent, there\'s no real need for them to have a complex algorithm for recharging, they might as well be linear and save on processing? At the...
    14. M

      Space Station Glitch

      I doubt this is a space station glitch for a start! Check your keybindings for your roll keys, make sure they are not being pressed, stuck down, or even a duplicate key of something else that you may be pressing.
    15. M

      Reactor Question

      Why are you replying to my post? After all the threads on power generation that you\'ve nitpicked something out of my post to have a go at, why do you still keep doing it? I was making the point that a single line of power blocks is more efficient per block than the number of blocks in a...