Recent content by FutileSine

    1. FutileSine

      SGU Destiny - WIP

      Update 5 is posted! Check the main post for pictures. I\'ve hit the 300-ish meters mark!
    2. FutileSine

      SGU Destiny - WIP

      Additional progress & pictures!! 280 meters down, 460 meters left to go...
    3. FutileSine

      SGU Destiny - WIP

      Up to Save # 11! I managed to save my ship (had to destroy_entity the station I was planning on mining :( ) but it fixed the issue. Moved it to a new shop to keep it \"safe\" and got to work! Pics in the UPDATE #3 post at the top, as well as a new \"profile\" image.
    4. FutileSine

      SGU Destiny - WIP

      Project temporarily on hold.... I moved Destiny to a new sector near a space station (free materials!), and as soon as I approached the station I dropped into single digit framerate territory. I restarted the server, and I haven\'t been able to get it to completely finish loading the sector...
    5. FutileSine

      SGU Destiny - WIP

      UPDATE: I\'m going to get another shot at working on this tonight. I\'ll probably build another 30-40m up from the nose on the outer hull, and play around with more interior ideas/concepts. Should I go for tight corridors as opposed to more open \"decks\" (fits the original)? Also starting...
    6. FutileSine

      SGU Destiny - WIP

      For an idea of the scope of the interior:
    7. FutileSine

      SGU Destiny - WIP

      Hah, the spacers up front are now 20m apart instead of just 10 - trying to conserve blocks where I can. I should be able to do another few sections tonight. The front section I did put some \"temporary\" decking in to see what I\'m looking at for space. Even that close to the front it fits two...
    8. FutileSine

      SGU Destiny - WIP

      Additional photos, lots of work done over the weekend! Man this is brutal. I\'m due to go rip up another starbase for parts. Links to album below: Most of the work so far has been on the front section, block count is already getting a bit insane.
    9. FutileSine

      SGU Destiny - WIP

      Yesterday night, in a fit of madness I started to work on a scale model of the ship Destiny from the show Stargate:Universe. I don't know when I'll finish, but I plan to put in a few hours tonight into finishing the initial framing beams, and this weekend... madness. Teaser Shot from first few...
    10. FutileSine

      StarMade: Game News

      I like your grief-protection idea, tying it to pay-accounts at the *option* of the server admin... I just hope more people see that it\'s a server side option, not a requirement, and not going crazy. Looking forward to seeing factory changes, something to make it easier to mass produce/select...
    11. FutileSine

      Recent Shield Nerf

      I\'ve enjoyed the comments starting to emerge about the possibility of weapons changes! I\'ve always envisioned AMCs as a weapons systems that the more blocks you add, the more of a \"capacitor\" charge they require to get up to full damage. As in you can spam your mouse button for fast...
    12. FutileSine

      Weapons fire passes right through faction home walls.

      Don\'t make it faction home, just faction owned, if you want it\'s defenses to function. Whatever your faction home is defined as is \"invincible\" - meaning it can\'t be targeted, so passing pirates will shoot right through it at any UNDOCKED ships. If the ships inside are docked, they share...
    13. FutileSine

      Recent Shield Nerf

      I\'ve noticed the power usage numbers on shields have shifted in game (drastically) - but I\'m not actually noticing it effectively drawing more?
    14. FutileSine

      Big Ships are Terrible now...

      The more I read these posts the less it seems like the change itself is not the problem. The most common refrains actually fall into the following categories: a) Need more control over turrets, which also need more accuracy and better pathfinding against fighter-sized vessels. b) AMC damage...