Weapons fire passes right through faction home walls.

    Jul 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    I have placed a faction block and a building block in a space station.

    I created a new faction name and and made the space station a faction home.

    Weapons fire passed right through the station and killed me.

    I added shields to the faction home and no difference. The weapons fire passes right through the walls and kills me or destroys any ships I have inside.

    I can add shields to a non faction building using just the building block and get protection from weapons fire, but in a faction home it is like the building does not exist to weapons fire.

    This is wrong. The pirates keep gathering until everything and I are destroyed, but the faction home.

    Fight back? what if the server allows all catalog ships to be created by the pirates? They keep on attacking until they have something big enough to kill you anyway.

    If I can not find/create a safe place in the starmade universe, this game is useless.
    Jul 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Don\'t make it faction home, just faction owned, if you want it\'s defenses to function. Whatever your faction home is defined as is \"invincible\" - meaning it can\'t be targeted, so passing pirates will shoot right through it at any UNDOCKED ships. If the ships inside are docked, they share the invincibility.

    So your choices are: 1) dock your ships to the station.

    2) Have it faction owned, but not faction home - but you then have the risk of the station itself being destroyed.
    Jul 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    \"passing pirates will shoot right through it(a faction home) to any undocked ships\",,,, well players can\'t dock so they are always at risk.

    I totally disagree with this, if you are right. A good programmer never delibrately uses collision like that. Come now,,, A force powerful enough to blow a hole in the wall passes right through it to damage a ship on the other side. It makes no sense to even consider such a thing.

    So much for professionalism in programming,,,,

    Don\'t waste your time responding, I will not be back.
    Jul 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    \"passing pirates will shoot

    \"passing pirates will shoot right through it(a faction home) to any undocked ships\",,,, well players can\'t dock so they are always at risk.

    I totally disagree with this, if you are right. A good programmer never delibrately uses collision like that. Come now,,, A force powerful enough to blow a hole in the wall passes right through it to damage a ship on the other side. It makes no sense to even consider such a thing.

    So much for professionalism in programming,,,,

    Don\'t waste your time responding, I will not be back.
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    With your poor point criticising Schemas \"professional programming\" how about you, and others who think similar to this, realise the game isn\'t finished! It\'s got updates several times a week, mechanics are changed frequently, e.g. Shields, and there are MANY bugs still. Just don\'t expect all these small ones to be fixed as soon as you find them, plus every time something is changed and is updated, there will almost certainly be more bugs!

    With the point about not being able to dock to a faction home, yes you can. Or did you forget you have to have faction modules on the ship linked to the faction, and you have to be in it as well? Before stating something first check if it\'s true. So no, players are not always at risk.

    So, instead of crying and saying that you \"i totally disagree with this, if you are right\", which makes no logical sense, how about you make a sensible and constructive post to help fix the problem you have. But if you leave fine, but who would want a someone who has just created an account to cry about something and say they will leave....