Recent content by Etc_Guy

    1. Etc_Guy

      Not Garbage Resource Mechanics

      I agree, the resource manufacturing is in dire need of a revamp. It's not fun gathering 20+ different ores and crystals and have to build 10 or more factories to mass produce starships.
    2. Etc_Guy

      StarMade Community Trading Card Game

      I'm starting my shipyard line-up right now. I've only been making mining ships so far. (That means only eco ships in the TCG.) Once my combat ships enter production phase I will gladly share them on this thread! Here's my Void Rock Basic Miner MK I Description: The first drone devised in VRI's...
    3. Etc_Guy


      So you get to play Jet Set Radio AND Gundam at the same time? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    4. Etc_Guy

      Old Planets?

      The old disc shaped planets were never got attached to me, so I wasn't sad that they were changed into dodecahedrons. I did still have the same lag problem that the 12-sided dice planets had (looking at the center would kill my framerate), so them being overhauled again is a plus in my book.
    5. Etc_Guy

      a collection of a mad man

      All hell will break lose on multiple big servers once this is released on the shipyard... that is if it's possible to get all the blocks necessary. How is anyone going to be able to build one of these in survival without a galactic super-empire? What is the block count currently?
    6. Etc_Guy

      Star Wars Providence Class Destroyer Shell

      Wow! The CIS was always my favorite faction in Star Wars. I would love to use a fully operational Providence Class Capital Ship in Starmade. (Just don't add power yet before the revamp you'll have to strip all the old power blocks, I'm waiting for the update too.)
    7. Etc_Guy

      Shields change.

      Doesn't defensive ion (ion computer + modules not attached to a weapon) already do this at the cost of energy?
    8. Etc_Guy

      StarMade Unofficial Community Discord Server

      I want to join the server once the new power update is out. The game keeps error locking when the universe initializes in the dev build
    9. Etc_Guy

      Damage Pulse, the forgotten weapon

      Just to give my two credits on this, pulse is a niche weapon on it's own but becomes a slave to different weapons for bigger ships and turrets. Mainly for fighting other big targets (stations, capital ships), becomes wasteful to use on fighters. It doesn't need much changes to be seen more often...
    10. Etc_Guy

      Bug RuntimeException Error Lock

      I wanted to try the recent dev builds of starmade to see the new power system before release but can't because of a RuntimeException error lock. The error message says "ERROR 0:1: ": version '130' is not supported IMPORTANT NOTE: The game has detected that you are using an Intel graphics...
    11. Etc_Guy

      Recognized Flooded by Fleets

      This idea sounds like the first update of the beta version but can escalate faction wars to a galactic domination RTS. Some people on the battle-roles thread were they discussed why everyone goes for the biggest ship possible so they're more valuable than cannon fodder, and a few suggest that...
    12. Etc_Guy

      The Automatic Space Chauffeur

      Tired of holding W to get everywhere? Don't want to wait for your warp drive to charge? Or go afk and arrive at you destination? I have a solution for you, The Automatic Space Chauffeur! Ok, enough with the fake commercial onto the idea! Ever wanted to have an auto-piloting ship like a lot of...
    13. Etc_Guy

      Dodecahedron Planets, easy implimentation.

      Coin planets would be a good idea. Planets might have to be twice as thick and maybe render two times longer, but there could be day and night cycle and most of the ores aren\'t exposed. And if you fall, you can hop on the other side, or keep switching gravity forever. I don\'t mind if the...
    14. Etc_Guy

      It's time to implement Chain Docking + 2 other features

      It\'s already in the game? So all schema has to do is turn it on to default?
    15. Etc_Guy

      Directional Thrusters

      to use turrents and dont rely on your main cannons, since the nerf, big ships can\'t retreat that easyly so if you are out numbered by skrimest try and bring drones and turrents with you if you can. And big ship vs. big ship you have to stay there and fight, cause if you retreat, your gonna get...