Recent content by DryLeavesBoiled

    1. DryLeavesBoiled

      Resource system finished?

      Hey folks, Just over half a year ago I posted my thoughts about the resource system of Starmade and how it could be improved. After checking up on the development progress there's still no mention of any plans to change the current resource system or improve upon it. I do understand that...
    2. DryLeavesBoiled

      Recognized by Council Resources Overhaul

      This is precisely my thinking and I have already touched on it many times in this thread. I am not really bothered how the alternate methods are put in place, just that there are alternative methods to strip mining. Surface Structures were an initial suggestion, whether they are multi-block...
    3. DryLeavesBoiled

      Recognized by Council Resources Overhaul

      I'm not shooting your idea down because an arm is a large thing. I disagree with the idea in general because it unbalances game-play based on who finds what resources first. As I said, I do like the idea of encouraging factions to spread out to access more resources. I just don't think...
    4. DryLeavesBoiled

      Recognized by Council Resources Overhaul

      I like the idea of seeing specialised ships and promoting alternative playstyles. Cryo-storage is a neat concept, but again. Storage for the sake of making people build more, spent more time building or harvesting other materials seems unnecessary. It doesn’t promote alternative ways of playing...
    5. DryLeavesBoiled

      Read by Council Scavenger Computer Slaves

      Fixed the word mix up. No, I am not talking about creating weapons that Salvage things. I am talking about slaving Salvage Computers to weapon systems.
    6. DryLeavesBoiled

      Read by Council Scavenger Computer Slaves

      Very quick suggestion that came to mind. I haven't thought a great deal on this one so it could use some pulling apart. I can attach weapon systems to my Salvage Computer to upgrade it. Any reason why it cannot also work the other way around? Firstly I wouldn't imagine this would work in the...
    7. DryLeavesBoiled

      Rejected Power Core block.

      I agree with the fact that power systems are counter-intuitive in the way they take damage. If you take damage to a power system, you just loose power generation or storage capability which works for the moment. But look at it this way. If power cores were in the game. What stops me from just...
    8. DryLeavesBoiled

      Recognized by Council Resources Overhaul

      That's very valid. I suppose an example would be a game like Eve online. You may want to do something from the get-go, but are unable to do so without first getting to the required skill level. I still think it would be difficult to integrate in a way players would enjoy however. Though that may...
    9. DryLeavesBoiled

      Recognized by Council Resources Overhaul

      I had a good think about gas giants when thinking it all though. Mining gas giants for said gas is not a new idea and would be a lovely one to see in Starmade. The problem is, Gas Giants are not something you can land on, so there uses would be purely aesthetic and as a resource. So, say...
    10. DryLeavesBoiled

      Armada Catastrophe (My personal experience with fleets)

      I did think about that during my blind panic, but my initial thoughts were fleet commands would allow me to correct this minor mistake before it became a big one. My thought was "recall to carrier" would bring them all to he main ship and once that failed, idle would make them stop. Of course...
    11. DryLeavesBoiled

      Armada Catastrophe (My personal experience with fleets)

      I had previously tried out some small scale fleets which reacted just as strangely when given the attack sector command. Moving at odd angles, but they eventually got to a pirate sector and attacked it, which lead me to expand unto my terribly downfall. This was single player so no ping, no...
    12. DryLeavesBoiled

      Recognized by Council Resources Overhaul

      This proposed system is supposed to be clear, easily identifiable, and memorable whilst also being far more trade and newbie friendly. With rarity being more applicable and directly relating to its use in the crafting tree, which would also be overhauled. The secondary principle is to make a...
    13. DryLeavesBoiled

      Armada Catastrophe (My personal experience with fleets)

      So I have recently started playing again since the latest update (fleets). I haven't been playing very long, perhaps a week. I really wanted to see if many many small close ranged and unmanned ships were viable in a fleet. Other topics have touched on the buggy AI and ships crashing into solid...
    14. DryLeavesBoiled

      Personal teleporter.

      Beam me up scotty! Worth mentioning that with the addition of player weapons. Players could enter an enemy ship. Destroy the core and teleport out. All sneaky like.