Recent content by Dragleones

    1. D

      Read by Council Tiered System Modules: Compact and backwards compatible

      One block for everything? Seriously. Your idea is way too overloaded. You propose a block somehow interacting with everything. Making it absolutely mandatory for anything. And the whole thing just doesn't fit into the game. The current master/slave/effect-weapon system is super simple and...
    2. D

      Getting into my old worlds since patch.

      And another useful tipp i wish someone had told me before patching: If you have somekind of creative world. Remember to disable the pirates in the config, change blueprint permissions, delete the pirate faction or anything. Was a nasty surprise. Exspecially since it took about 10 minutes for me...
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      Read by Council Tech Progression, Alien Ruins, Other Stuff

      But then i think a tech system might be the wrong approach. I'm all for variety and such, but i heavily dislike the idea of blatantly better variations of the same block. As i stated in my post above. There already is a form of progression in the game. The more you control/mine, the better you...
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      Read by Council Tech Progression, Alien Ruins, Other Stuff

      Does Starmade need a progression system? Exspecially a tech-system that would include "jumps" rather than gradual progression. Hull/standard armor/advanced armor aren't a really progression. They are just entirely different. HP: 75/100/250 Armor (in %): 0/60/75 effective HP: 75/250/1000 Armor...
    5. D

      Should Chain Drives Remain?

      But isn't that exactly the point being made? The reason why they should be replaced with a proper game mechanic? Current jump drives are really good at bringing you out of any combat situation, but are due to the low default range bad for travel. Why does travelling has to be tedious? And I...
    6. D

      Read by Council A Bold Idea - Remove almost all advantages of docked entities and replace their functions

      By a quite large coefficient? The aim is to produce as much power as possible using as little space as possible: Docked reactor: Following numbers are from a spreadsheat i used for my current design: Its far from perfect. The aim was to produce a 149 long reactor. (The 149 block length is...
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      Read by Council A Bold Idea - Remove almost all advantages of docked entities and replace their functions

      I really love this idea. Would keep ship design innovative since you really need to carefully think about how to lay them out in order to prevent your ship from blowing up. I kinda dislike the current power growth in general. The curve blows through the roof and then hardly rises anymore...
    8. D

      Pirate spam and frame rates death.

      Usually i'm one of the first to cry for optimizations. But be reasonable! The game is far from being finished. The game is far from advising itself as a finished product. Hell, its still completly free! So while we can happily make suggestions and proposals as we like i don't feel like we...
    9. D

      Read by Council Multiple Undeathenators - Choose where you spawn

      I like this idea. How about a player is able to tag as much undeathinators as he wants, but automatically respawns at the nearest? Abuse proof and player friendly. For example when defending a system and you lose the base you automatically respawn in an safe environment. Would also work well...
    10. D

      Should Chain Drives Remain?

      The thing is. Jump drives work the exact opposite way they should. They are an excellent tool to suddenly escape a losing battle. Are they meant as an escape tool? Well ,we have push/pull/overdrive defensive effects for that. And while we may be able to conter them using jump inhibitors, an...
    11. D

      Recognized Search bar for templates and uploading to catalog.

      May i add the possibility to organize /categorize them in folders?
    12. D

      Most Disappointing Symmetry Fail

      Yep. Exspecially since the addition of copy-paste its much more annoying to forget to turn it off. Switching between docked entities can be a nightmare. (Turrets i'm looking at you) Did someone ever suggested to save the different symmetry axes for different entities or atleast automatically...
    13. D

      Interior porn

      We shall double our efforts. *gulp* Soon™
    14. D

      Interior porn

      Have been working on a sith empire interior copy paste template. Didn't make any progress recently though. I should really pick it up again. Exspecially now with slabs ^.^ Hallway: Hangar walls: Hallways with cute windows:
    15. D

      Read by Council Energy Particle System sum it up. English isn't my first language aswell, but some parts were exspecially hard to read thus the corrections. Tl;dr: You have increased power generation in your own claimed territory. This will encourage players to expand. But doesn't this discourage players from invading the...