Recent content by Andem

    1. Andem

      Survival Expansion mod

      Abandoned? A real shame, this was promising.
    2. Andem

      Read by Council The stereo

      I'm unsure if this is what was meant, but I think the issue was with servers, and everyone needing to download a sound file to play... I may be wrong tho, I would love this!
    3. Andem

      Read by Council Ship Self Destruct Sequence

      How about a system that uses warheads to turn things withon a certain radius into scrap if all of the ship levels drop below 10%? EG., Shields, Structural, Power, etc., and the mass of the vessel x the amount of warheads = the blast radius, and everything within it becomes scrap blocks except...
    4. Andem

      Implemented A Possible Way to Increase Planet FPS

      I'm not sure quite how that works, because the core isn't a block, but it has a hitbox and collision mesh, so It could go either way...
    5. Andem

      Read by Council terraforming as a weapon of salvage destruction

      Yep, definitely a still active suggestion, those threads are probably still a better place than a new thread, because the more spread out the idea is, the more diluted it becomes and the devs have less to work with. ;)
    6. Andem

      Read by Council Logic Space (an extra dimension)

      See, the issue with logic currently (IMHO) is that it is big. Insanely big. and frankly, sometimes there isn't enough room to organize some of the logic systems. This would be perfect, You have a Primary Logic block, you enter the other dimension and have, not an infinite amount of space, maybe...
    7. Andem

      Read by Council Knife to a Gun Fight

      Back to the core Idea, are they blocks or little lightsaber things?
    8. Andem

      Read by Council Knife to a Gun Fight

      How about this: They use a minimal amount of power, but when they hit another block they use up a shit ton of power, and they don't turn back on for like, I dunno, 5 minutes or so?
    9. Andem

      Read by Council Knife to a Gun Fight

      Oh, I can Already think of a planetary quarry system :cool: oh yeah, space mining made cool!
    10. Andem

      Read by Schine Astrotech beams CAN'T heal astronauts?

      Yeah, unless the Daves are cybernetic, and that's why they don't need air... :eek:
    11. Andem

      Planned System Effects / Spacial Anomolies

      That would definitely make certain locations Ideal for bases and stations.
    12. Andem

      Read by Council Knife to a Gun Fight

      That sounds dangerous and fun as hell. Yes.
    13. Andem

      Recognized Real type of planets(strange planets).15 type of planets.

      Check out: Planned - Another Planet Thread
    14. Andem

      Read by Schine Intergalactic wormholes, And player spawn relocation.

      That. Would be cool. I would Totally blockade a galaxy, put up a tax on entry, Set up the Space-Berlin Wall, Fun for the whole family! :D
    15. Andem

      Planned Another Planet Thread

      Like Lecic said, ring worlds have kind of been worn out, I'm looking at you, Halo. So, I propose an new, never before seen planet type: The Toroidal World.