[Small updates] Roleplay ship interior classification (human race): An attempt

    Jan 1, 2015
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    Excuse my extreme newbieness, but do people actually 'roleplay' inside the Starmade game?


    Aug 30, 2013
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    Yep! There are a lot of servers that are role play ones. I can send you a real good one if you're interested.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    Sorry, but I have to crash your party :D

    Currently I am reading a book where humanity expanded into space to meet ships from an extinguished race.
    Some pilots (pilots of K-ships) are Paraplegic (DE: Querschnittsgelähmt) because they have cables going into their spinal column.
    They live in life-supporting tanks for the rest of their life.
    (ISBN: 978-3-453-31559-4)

    Peoples have Cultivars which are similar to clones, but with any appearance - as far as I understand a mixture between biological and cybernetic parts - just to be controlled by the human who created these.
    Cultivars can be pets (cats (including grey ones) ...) or human-like, perhaps requiring their own life support.

    In another book I've read, peoples wearing suits which keep their bodies clean, just need something similar to a trash can to clear the suit-capacitor.

    A third book I've read, humans are put into stasis (also appears in StarGate, StarTrek and other Sci-Fi at least occasionally).


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Sorry, but I have to crash your party :D

    Currently I am reading a book where humanity expanded into space to meet ships from an extinguished race.
    Some pilots (pilots of K-ships) are Paraplegic (DE: Querschnittsgelähmt) because they have cables going into their spinal column.
    They live in life-supporting tanks for the rest of their life.
    (ISBN: 978-3-453-31559-4)

    Peoples have Cultivars which are similar to clones, but with any appearance - as far as I understand a mixture between biological and cybernetic parts - just to be controlled by the human who created these.
    Cultivars can be pets (cats (including grey ones) ...) or human-like, perhaps requiring their own life support.

    In another book I've read, peoples wearing suits which keep their bodies clean, just need something similar to a trash can to clear the suit-capacitor.

    A third book I've read, humans are put into stasis (also appears in StarGate, StarTrek and other Sci-Fi at least occasionally).
    So... add stasis bay to the list? Not exactly sure what you are trying to say aside from "There are different requirements for different RPs" and that some form of stasis is common.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    I am putting my finishing touches now on the first ship I've built that was not simply whatever assemblage was necessary to get the job done. (Like a giant nested power cube structure with sufficient capacity to permacloak a large salvage array.) I made the mistake of putting down my faction homebase within sniperfire of a pirate base. So I found myself needing to build "Pirate Bane", a proper warship.

    Oddly enough, I started with the cockpit, building a well armored canopy with triple thick crystal armor protecting my pilot's seat and all the (many) computers. While the cockpit is fairly roomy as cockpits go, this ship is a fighter/bomber, very literally. It has one job, surviving multiple high speed strafe attacks on pirate bases to uncork with MASSIVE firepower sufficient to take out a turret. It has for a ship of it's size (~50 blocks length) very strong shields over 100K, good regen, and no less than nine anti-missile point defense turrets. I expect it will get the job done.

    I am curious as to how this ship would fit in a roleplaying context. It is pretty enough, it has a couple of doors to enter the cockpit area, which has a seat and nice windows to look out of, appropriately as a fighter/bomber. It does not however have any sort of lounge area or pilots cabin or anything else which would be quite inappropriate for it's role.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    Yep! There are a lot of servers that are role play ones. I can send you a real good one if you're interested.
    I am certainly curious to know more of what playing on a roleplay server entails. Is it 'required' that we play in group all the time, or is it perfectly fine if more than 90% of the time I am just off solo mining and ship building? Is teamspeak a requirement or do people communicate via text chat? I presume that the biggest factor is that we build our ships to a minimum roleplay standard of believability, that they be more than simply an assemblage of functions.

    An issue I have, perhaps majorly influenced by my first singleplay sandbox and then the multiplayer server I pretty much picked out of a hat, is survivability in an 'extremely' hostile universe. The first time playing doing the standard thing of building a fairly believable little ship with which to go explore and mine, turned unbearably frustrating as time after time after time, I would get killed by pirates and the like. I then resolved to try something different and joined that multiplayer universe to give it a whirl.

    That server turned out to have vastly more of a pirate problem than I had previously experienced. There are in the vicinity of 40-50 pirate stations in every solar system! But my new strategy worked. My mining ship is permacloaked. I can travel and explore in safety, uncloaking to mine only when there were no hostiles nearby. After seven days of full time play in that ultra dangerous environment, I have not died once.

    This is my one potential issue with a roleplay server and ship design restrictions. I cannot imagine myself at this point, deliberately setting myself up for failure by 'not' using stealth to survive. The construction requirements for building a stealth ship are quite taxing, doing that on a mining ship with the full blown, giant block ungainliness of a mining array is exigent in the extreme, it is NOT aesthetic. There is little mass available for anything that is not functional. If I can build walls out of functional blocks instead of decorative parts and hull mass, I could at least fulfill some believability functions. The aesthetic appearance is more touchy, at best creating 'radiator fins' extending from the block structure of the array, and while symmetrical, not always of symmetrical materials. And of course while building up to the full ship while collecting resources for the building, any thought of aesthetics is pretty much out the window.
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    Aug 30, 2013
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    I am certainly curious to know more of what playing on a roleplay server entails. Is it 'required' that we play in group all the time, or is it perfectly fine if more than 90% of the time I am just off solo mining and ship building? Is teamspeak a requirement or do people communicate via text chat? I presume that the biggest factor is that we build our ships to a minimum roleplay standard of believability, that they be more than simply an assemblage of functions.

    An issue I have, perhaps majorly influenced by my first singleplay sandbox and then the multiplayer server I pretty much picked out of a hat, is survivability in an 'extremely' hostile universe. The first time playing doing the standard thing of building a fairly believable little ship with which to go explore and mine, turned unbearably frustrating as time after time after time, I would get killed by pirates and the like. I then resolved to try something different and joined that multiplayer universe to give it a whirl.

    That server turned out to have vastly more of a pirate problem than I had previously experienced. There are in the vicinity of 40-50 pirate stations in every solar system! But my new strategy worked. My mining ship is permacloaked. I can travel and explore in safety, uncloaking to mine only when there were no hostiles nearby. After seven days of full time play in that ultra dangerous environment, I have not died once.

    This is my one potential issue with a roleplay server and ship design restrictions. I cannot imagine myself at this point, deliberately setting myself up for failure by 'not' using stealth to survive. The construction requirements for building a stealth ship are quite taxing, doing that on a mining ship with the full blown, giant block ungainliness of a mining array is exigent in the extreme, it is NOT aesthetic. There is little mass available for anything that is not functional. If I can build walls out of functional blocks instead of decorative parts and hull mass, I could at least fulfill some believability functions. The aesthetic appearance is more touchy, at best creating 'radiator fins' extending from the block structure of the array, and while symmetrical, not always of symmetrical materials. And of course while building up to the full ship while collecting resources for the building, any thought of aesthetics is pretty much out the window.
    Depends on the server, I guess. The ones I played on basically let you do your own thing, as long as it fits with the server's backstory and such. Also, the thing that had 40-50 pirate stations per system was a bug. That has been fixed. I've never used a stealth ship in a year and a half of Star made. However, I doubt they are disallowed.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    I can send you a real good one if you're interested.
    I would be interested, yes. And if the one you might suggest has a page posted somewhere detailing what the server is about, that too would be appreciated. I do hope it would be possible to import a blueprint or two, as the design work I have done thus far on my 'Pirate Bane' fighter/bomber would be a shame to waste.

    I've never used a stealth ship in a year and a half of Star made. However, I doubt they are disallowed.
    Heh. It is possible that my experience has SO suffused my thinking that I am unable to think any other way now. In that year and a half, have you died to pirates much?
    Dec 3, 2014
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    I have a question. I have a ship that has drones in it. the drones pretty much fit into the rp-0 rank but their not intended to be flown by anyone but the bobby ai and are in the bay marked drone bay. I guess in an emergency you could climb inside the fuselage like Starbuck did in the BSG reboot but it is not recommended normally. However would drones be considered alright as long as the ship carrying them meet the higher RP rank?


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I've build (and uploaded to community content) the FAT puddle jumper.

    A replica of StarGate which is a bit FAT because walls are 1m thick and because I wanted to to be stealth and jumping permanently (once of both)

    It fails at:
    • Basic furniture: at least 1 private bed or bunk (permissible to build into wall) and 1 chair facing any table per crew member.
    Because it has no bed - because it is a shuttle and peoples sleep on the floor or in a chair rarely if it is required.

    I think RP classes should mirror how realistic the ship is for it's application, not what's in it for a long journey.
    Dec 3, 2014
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    about 5,000,000 credits an hour

    I think the biggest thing for me is I already use red flashing lights as a warning indicator on my ships. They are usually rigged into the mechanism controlling hanger or cargo bay doors so when the doors are open, the light's blink warning the presence of vacuum. This warning state may also close doors and turn otherwise freely open paths into airlocks. It just does not make sense for me to have a "general red alert" in addition to a very specific warning system. Plus those flashing lights on the entire ship would just be very distracting. You try and get work done when your only light source is a flashing red light. If we had audio warnings I'd be down with adding that. As far as I know real military vessels don't have "red alert" and I'd prefer my ships being grounded in reality over Star Trek... does any other scifi use that system?

    I would have to agree about the "red alert", I have never been sure how turning off the lights and making everything flash a slow red light helps in a combat situation. I'm making a star trek style ship, but I am leaving that part out because it is the one thing that never made sense. A simple ping over the intercom would be enough as long as everyone knows what it means. "Red Alert" is more for people who are not paying attention. Usually if your not paying attention in war, you don't have to worry about it long, cause your not going to be there more than the first day.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    I would be interested, yes. And if the one you might suggest has a page posted somewhere detailing what the server is about, that too would be appreciated. I do hope it would be possible to import a blueprint or two, as the design work I have done thus far on my 'Pirate Bane' fighter/bomber would be a shame to waste.

    Heh. It is possible that my experience has SO suffused my thinking that I am unable to think any other way now. In that year and a half, have you died to pirates much?
    I've only died from pirates without a radar jammer. Besides that, usually when i do something really stupid like charge a frigate in a shuttle. I'm a good pilot though, I don't die unless I do something REAL stupid.


    Here's the link. At the risk of being a bot, I will only point you to the Star Made forums thread. All the info should be here, or the official website.


    CEO Snataris Colonial Fleetyards
    Sep 10, 2013
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    I have a question. I have a ship that has drones in it. the drones pretty much fit into the rp-0 rank but their not intended to be flown by anyone but the bobby ai and are in the bay marked drone bay. I guess in an emergency you could climb inside the fuselage like Starbuck did in the BSG reboot but it is not recommended normally. However would drones be considered alright as long as the ship carrying them meet the higher RP rank?
    Yes, you can have an RP ship with pure AI drones (and even alot of them).

    I've build (and uploaded to community content) the FAT puddle jumper.

    A replica of StarGate which is a bit FAT because walls are 1m thick and because I wanted to to be stealth and jumping permanently (once of both)

    It fails at:
    • Basic furniture: at least 1 private bed or bunk (permissible to build into wall) and 1 chair facing any table per crew member.
    Because it has no bed - because it is a shuttle and peoples sleep on the floor or in a chair rarely if it is required.

    I think RP classes should mirror how realistic the ship is for it's application, not what's in it for a long journey.
    Most of these requirements are intended to be doable in a quick symbolic way. For example, taking two blocks next to each other out of some wall would already be a bed built into the wall. It is more the thought that counts, and to have some minimum interior detail apart from blank walls.

    I would have to agree about the "red alert", I have never been sure how turning off the lights and making everything flash a slow red light helps in a combat situation. I'm making a star trek style ship, but I am leaving that part out because it is the one thing that never made sense. A simple ping over the intercom would be enough as long as everyone knows what it means. "Red Alert" is more for people who are not paying attention. Usually if your not paying attention in war, you don't have to worry about it long, cause your not going to be there more than the first day.
    I don't actually lower the lights on my ships, I just have some faint red flashing in addition there. I agree making stuff appear an alternating black and bright red is not exactly helpful; the point is simply to have it as a flavor option. If a considerable amount of people really dislikes this one, it might just be changed to "any logic system at all", like full logic on all airlocks or landing gear or turbolifts or such... just to bring SOME life to the ship. A ship that is fully static, without any logic whatsover, can not be under any circumstance be considered an RP-5 ship.
    Apr 3, 2013
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    My ship has a red alert mode and I don't dim the lights, I just switch em to red. For every normal light my ship has it also has a red light. When red alert mode is triggered all the normal lights turn off and all the red lights turn on. You can still see perfectly fine, it's not all dark or anything, it's just very very red. So I figure it makes it abundantly clear that you are now in a combat situation without actually effecting combat efficiency.
    Nov 3, 2014
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    what i dislike is the static of your system i mean is there one point not fully covered it has a lower ranking. would you ad a room that would make sense but is not listed in your requirements you would gain nothing for it. I understand your concerns regarding point systems but you could easily limit abuse by always adding "to a maximum of supported crewmembers..." so nobody gets the idea of copypasting 50 bathrooms without also supporting 50 beds...

    i dunno as the builder i decide what i want to have on my ship. also reactor room - personally the coreroom should give some feel so i'd keep building reactors the most effective way possible instead.
    Dec 3, 2014
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    I don't actually lower the lights on my ships, I just have some faint red flashing in addition there. I agree making stuff appear an alternating black and bright red is not exactly helpful; the point is simply to have it as a flavor option. If a considerable amount of people really dislikes this one, it might just be changed to "any logic system at all", like full logic on all airlocks or landing gear or turbolifts or such... just to bring SOME life to the ship. A ship that is fully static, without any logic whatsover, can not be under any circumstance be considered an RP-5 ship.
    Oh man this is an idea i can really get behind, I plan on making a system to close all outer blast doors and I have turbo shafts already working, along with a tractor beam system to replace reactors, of course they do not have to be replaced it is purely a roll play feature. I have been trying to work out a way to move the cargo pods I made around with tractor beams too but it will take some re-planning for the cargo area, however that part would be both functional and roll play friendly being able to move cargo such as materials and goods between the ship, planet based factories, asteroid based mines, and station bases.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    On my "Theatrical" ship, my red alert did not dim the regular white lights. If the logic clocks worked correctly, the "chasing" (flashing in a sequential order to create the feel of an animation, like Knight Rider's KITT sensor) red lights would lead an astronaut down to the internal flightdeck. Hopefully, there would be a combat fighter, an escape shuttle, or an Isanth docked there.

    Deleted member 433088

    Very nice thread, mostly because it gives me a lot of ideas for designing the interior of my later ships. Even while I don't play in MP servers, I like to design "realistic" ships, within the game's logic of course. It just feels more rewarding. I wanted to note a couple of things, though:

    First, that you seem to have missed a detail, perhaps because it would have been considered obvious: a ship with high RP values should not have exposed reactors and the like in... well, most places were the crew will be, except perhaps a dedicated reactor room.

    And another thing is, while the scheme proposed in the OP is interesting, some ships that would fall into the lowest categories would still have some place in an RP setting, in my opinion. What I have in mind is the kind of ship that a person wouldn't spend enough time in for it to warrant more than a light and a place to sit, such as a short-range high-speed recon, a small mining vessel, or a tiny freight shuttle... things that would operate exclusively in-system (or within a single jump's distance, if jump-enabled) and not be manned for more than a few consecutive hours. Then again, in an RP-heavy setting you'd have to consider the "wealth" of your faction; a group of space rebels would probably have more austere space faring vessels, while the space tycoons would likely put a jacuzzi on their smallest mining ship.
    I still draw the line at exposed-core ships, though. Those should never be manned, if RP is a thing in your dictionary. The first ship I actually designed (instead of cobbling it together) already had a protected core, a front camera, and a manual glass door sealing the insides.
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    Nov 10, 2013
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    First, that you seem to have missed a detail, perhaps because it would have been considered obvious: a ship with high RP values should not have exposed reactors and the like in... well, most places were the crew will be, except perhaps a dedicated reactor room.
    That is personal opinion really. Reactors, tanks, shields, and enchancers all have textures, thus making them valid options that can be used if one wants to make use of them. I mean, the idea of RP is pretend anyways, some people might want a high-voltage power line running through their ceilings, if they choose to make it that,
    Dec 3, 2014
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    That is personal opinion really. Reactors, tanks, shields, and enchancers all have textures, thus making them valid options that can be used if one wants to make use of them. I mean, the idea of RP is pretend anyways, some people might want a high-voltage power line running through their ceilings, if they choose to make it that,
    I would have to agree there, besides should keep in mind the reactor blocks and I think a few others also act as a kind of readout if you use them, they tell you power/power-cap, so they could be used as part of the consoles even for in depth as well as accurate roll play.