how to FORCE deathcubes to be fancy looking

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    Aug 28, 2013
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    The easiest way I see is requiring 5 decorative blocks per 1 vital.

    Then encourage a low target profile more than a big hull plating.

    As the core can only be destroyed after xx% of destroyed hull blocks, make a spider-web like ship where enemy guns have to target new spots very often to get a certain % of hull blocks killed.
    That way projectiles which are still on the way when there is a hole through your ship will also miss.
    That way projectiles which punch through to empty space behind are wasted.
    AI will be fucked anyway as it targets the center :p

    -my opinion-
    This wrecks most ships. I doubt even some of Dalmont's larger ships fit that criteria. In fact, I doubt most good larger ships get to the 1:1 decorative to system ratio. In addition, such a thing will only result in doomcubes adding massive blocks of hull. Plus, the thrust:weight for that is horrible.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    Plus, the thrust:weight for that is horrible.
    Just because the game is not balanced for that cause it would screw balance if somebody designs a ship fitting current criteria.
    But if systems would work with lower efficiency if you overdue it (think like decorative being used as heat distributors, whatever), it would be waste of precious materials to pay for expensive vitals working at low efficiency.

    In addition, such a thing will only result in doomcubes adding massive blocks of hull.
    Then encourage a low target profile more than a big hull plating [...] make a spider-web like ship where enemy guns have to target new spots very often to get a certain % of hull blocks killed.


    The reason Deb needs meds
    Nov 20, 2013
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    Well, look at the bright side. The people building doomcubes are just doing it because they can't think of anything better to do. If we make it to where people building doom cubes have to at least think, we're getting somewhere!
    Jul 26, 2013
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    Well, look at the bright side. The people building doomcubes are just doing it because they can't think of anything better to do. If we make it to where people building doom cubes have to at least think, we're getting somewhere!
    And don't forget the cloud to your silver lining! Forcing people to do X on the exteriors of their ships leads to... well, less freedom to make ships look as awesome as possible!

    Though, of all the suggestions, I like giving system blocks less shielding the best. People do use them on the exteriors of their ships to look good, but not as much as the other materials. Of course doom cubes would still be possible with a layer of hull, but the "space radiation" idea that would completely destroy decorative exteriors wouldn't do any better.

    One thing that might help, is making ship systems more complicated to build. Not quite sure how though. Maybe power generators could be more powerful, but the effectiveness drops off quickly? So people would need one or multiple small\medium sized "reactors", instead of huge rows of the stuff. Maybe there could be power cables that you need running through the ship - either as blocks or through walls - to carry power?

    5 decorative for 1 vital just sounds tedious. How would that even get explained lore-wise?


    The reason Deb needs meds
    Nov 20, 2013
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    You know what happens when you throw a coconut on a pile of smoldering ashes? No idea. Never tried. BUT it's also a stupid idea. How is this relevant? It isn't.

    Butt seriously, Systems need a rework, like how they gain effectiveness and how they lose effectiveness. Just got an idea, going to start a new thread.
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    Dec 31, 2013
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    I joined the testserver, travel to 20 20 20 without FTL - that was sold out at spawn.

    Hey, look at my nice firework ... "You died" ... A: Sorry, ddin't think it could kill one they do like 5 damage each (as if ION missile-missile has damage at all...)

    Later I loaded my Fat Puddle Jumper and got killed again ... A: Sorry, I thought it has more shields...
    ( It has just perma-jam in a 9x7x20 and RP stuff in it along with 2-3000 shield )

    But then 90% of my starting money was gone... luckily this server restarts from time to time.

    We need a think that encourages peoples to NOT build doom-cubes first. ( If I even get killed in a creative environment because RP :p )
    Sep 27, 2014
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    I have surfed through the forums and read a lot about countering doomcubes building. Many people are anxious about that, so why don't make kinda of a large speechroom dedicated to the problem? The problem exists, many solutions are already made and many are on their way. Some of them are just brilliant, like the new systems connections, turning rates recalculation and others. I propose to not ignore the problem and make a special forum section for this discussion or whatever. form it may take.

    But first of all, the game designers must answer themselves the main quiestion about the ingame designs. Do they want possible designs to be as variable as possible, or do they want the ship designs to be as smart and realistic as possible? I believe they will have to chose, as there will be always contradiction between complexity/realism and variability.
    As for me, I am always voting for difficult gaming experience, forcing the players to struggle and to think. Challenge inspires me. Not the vast uncontrolled possibilities.

    Any kind of official game designers' opinion would be appreciated. Are u going to do something with doomcubes, pals?
    Jun 19, 2014
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    The mass for non-hull blocks (so therefore decorative blocks too) are going to be reduced. Now if only they'd make turning
    A. Not depend on boxdims;
    B. Like real turning with turning acceleration;
    C. Make the max turning speed depend on mass;
    D. Possible to have a faster acceleration by assigning thrust or using effects;
    E. Make it possible so a even a titan can turn like a fighter, but only when half or more of the ship is made of thrusters and effects to increase turning.
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    Sep 27, 2014
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    Turning speed is a pain in the *ss, really. As well as the top speed. Both should not be limited at all, as many thrusters u have, as much acceleration u gain. (because WHAT in the space should be the speed limit? except for the C). But as much mass u have, as long you will have to brake the movement of any kind, inertion should be added to any kind of movement. Wanna fly 1000km\second? No problem, but u will have to brake for 5 minutes. In case u are massive.
    Addin turning and spinning inertion will make navigating titans a real art, as it is now for the big sea vessels. And that is the thing I would really love.
    Jun 19, 2014
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    The reason the speed limit is in place is because strange things start happening when you go to fast. Above 150 km/h (although I think they meant 150 m/s) you start to be able to fly through other objects. At 300 physics start breaking down. And at 1000, well, the universe might as well explode.
    Sep 27, 2014
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    The reason the speed limit is in place is because strange things start happening when you go to fast. Above 150 km/h (although I think they meant 150 m/s) you start to be able to fly through other objects. At 300 physics start breaking down. And at 1000, well, the universe might as well explode.
    At EE we are flying 603 and it is quite Ok. Just in case u ram in a queer way into something, u can fly through it, but I believe it can be easily fixed by adding damage penalty for such "penetrations".
    Aug 18, 2013
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    This is something I cannot stress enough: Make the "Activation block" show up in the "Weapons" menu!