The Calderon Republic needs you!

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    Jun 30, 2013
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    It's okay Two. *pats on back*

    I demonstrated your firepower to some others yesterday. They were not amused, as an incomplete ship of theirs shredded the ships I demonstrated with in a few seconds. :( I'm sure with all your fancy new ships I'll be able to impress them now! :)
    You are truly incompetent to think killing outdated ships is a great achievement


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    It's okay Two. *pats on back*

    I demonstrated your firepower to some others yesterday. They were not amused, as an incomplete ship of theirs shredded the ships I demonstrated with in a few seconds. :( I'm sure with all your fancy new ships I'll be able to impress them now! :)
    I call complete bull on the "I have your ships" part. Do you have images to back up your claims? Because seriously, if you truly do it should be easy to assemble them and take a nice little fleet picture, a matter of 5 minutes really.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    It's okay Two. *pats on back*

    I demonstrated your firepower to some others yesterday. They were not amused, as an incomplete ship of theirs shredded the ships I demonstrated with in a few seconds. :( I'm sure with all your fancy new ships I'll be able to impress them now! :)
    FD show me some proof as in a video. if not you are breaking the forum rules.

    This includes:
    • Spreading rumors
    • Posting threats
    • Direct or indirect defamation
    you are spreading the rumor that you have our ships. Which you do not, and if so, they are old, possible giving to you by ridik back in the day. and you are doing Direct or indirect defamation by claiming you have our ships, that they are weak, and that you have stole them. By that you are trying to make us seem weak, unable to hold on to your own ships and by definition"is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation." You are trying to harm our reputation by stating false statements that try to harm us in the community. Bragging and boasting that you stole our ships, saying they are weak.. that they are shredded in a demonstration with in a few seconds is defamation. I personally am tired of dealing with your lies and bullshit.

    HEY get on TS

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    Nice breakdown Leanson. You put him on the defendants pedestal and shot him with one of those Football Stadium floodlights.

    Oh look it's cooking him :p
    Nov 16, 2013
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    Old ships are you bragging about old.. outdated ships of ours. stop it will the bullshit, and come to us if you have something relevant. And maybe if you stop trying this defamation, we can work on some faction diplomacy if you do those things anymore. We are being a better faction, how about you try and be the better person.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Fair enough, I suppose.

    ^Calamity class on the left backdated itself, same thing happened with an Erosion I was refitting for Thadius.
    I hope you're proud of killing ships that have no shield regen, we have dealt with your little mole in our faction, gotta say should have saw it comming, but as Confucius once said " it is more shameful to distrust our friends then to be betrayed by them" you can have those ships with the outdated beams, I assure you next time you try to pull coward crap it won't be so easy.
    Last edited:


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    *actually didn't have a mole*

    Not sure whether to say nice bluff or tell you where I got them...

    Regardless, your faction is secure as far as I know.
    Aug 15, 2013
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    Hey blurb for some reason I can't start a PM with you, so we'll have to communicate through Aceface lol, if you have questions ask him.
    Just because you can't pm me doesn't mean i can't PM you!
    Nov 16, 2013
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    *actually didn't have a mole*

    Not sure whether to say nice bluff or tell you where I got them...

    Regardless, your faction is secure as far as I know.
    We work hard to make sure our faction is secure and full of members. We had a internal problem with a member which was solved and dealt with. There are a number of ways to get ships FD, once you start looking they can be easy found.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    Does it really matter at this point. Here i'll finish the topic for you guys.

    Leanson (Congrats you have old ships. Move on)

    FD (Whatevs *moves past gum grade topic*)

    There. Now you guys can talk about something else for once.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    I still find it amusing that a mod threatened to ban me after I made 3 hostile posts on the NFD thread, while here FD is throwing up a whole page full of defames and once again the mods don't give a crap.

    Yeah I'm talking about you @MrFURB


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Two, the following is a PM I sent to Leanson after his response to my previous comment-

    "I really do not like to offend you, keptick, Jan, or any other of your guys. At heart, the CR is a really nice faction and I hate having to work against it.

    The issue I have is Two. Ever since he came back he's been a complete jerk to me, my friends, and really the community in general. I figured that since he was so readily throwing insults at me I'd do the same to him with that bit about the testing your ships with Targ. I did not, however, consider how you or the rest of your faction would take it.

    I'm sorry, I really am."
    Nov 16, 2013
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    confirms FD pm, yup he sent that, I accepted his apology. its all good.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Two, the following is a PM I sent to Leanson after his response to my previous comment-

    "I really do not like to offend you, keptick, Jan, or any other of your guys. At heart, the CR is a really nice faction and I hate having to work against it.

    The issue I have is Two. Ever since he came back he's been a complete jerk to me, my friends, and really the community in general. I figured that since he was so readily throwing insults at me I'd do the same to him with that bit about the testing your ships with Targ. I did not, however, consider how you or the rest of your faction would take it.

    I'm sorry, I really am."
    Oh yes, says the guy who went to war against me on the ROE side even though we were supposed to be allies, like I said, my attitude depends on who I'm talking to. The only person I have ever insulted directly is you deb, I have respect for everyone else on this forums, even those allied to you, so don't make false accusations.
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