reintroduction power snakes

    Jun 1, 2015
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    so now the distance between the reactor and the stabilizer is no longer thing
    a power supply boils down to slapping component a and component b together without any form of thinking

    id love to see the power lines back in action for those that like to nity grity optimize the power output
    and the volatile auxiliary power blocks that can explode then it gets hit
    Jun 9, 2013
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    Well... That could be good. Power "snakes" could be really useful in filling the gaps and actually required some degree of engineering

    While being far more convenient, current reactor system is extremely primitive in terms of putting any effort in its assembly. That was never good
    Jun 1, 2015
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    cause im deadly bored with the way i dont have to put any effort in building up a power source
    and i want a edge over lazy people

    you still get power if you dont make snakes
    you just optimise it by using power snakes

    i came to this game because of the effort you have to put into designing functions
    right now its only visually... and the size dictates how powerful it is, in that regard i might as well just go play eve online *bigger is more powerful*

    in the powersnake days people ware dissecting captured ships to see the internal layout
    i dont see that happen nowadays
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    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    The power snakes were the core factor of ship design in starmade and made it what it was. Everything built off the decisions and sacrificies of that base mechanic. Abandoning its base mechanic to appease players (and devs) who expected to easily copy ship ideas from other sci-fi universes was what gutted this game.
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    Why not? Why was the original power system even reworked in the first place?
    It didn't make any sense. Reactors were ugly clusters of spaghetti capped by an arbitrary magic number, and then aux groups also had a magic number where they were optimal and after that you had to split over to another group, all with no real rhyme or reason as to why they were that way.
    Also, internally the old power system apparently had technical issues.

    The unfortunate thing isn't that we got rid of the derpy old power system, but rather that its replacement completely and utterly failed to meet 90% of stated design goals.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    While I really hated the old power snakes/pylons, and really like the new systems ability to fit into any weird space, I do think the mechanics were oversimplified. I would like to see the return of power capacitors and a heat dissipation mechanic instead of the stabilizers, which were, along with the now defunct integrity system, the worst parts of this reactor system outright.

    What about turning the stabilizers into heat sinks, using groups with high surface area. Measured by the integrity system, conveniently. just link high negative numbers to higher heat dissipation, with the heat build up reducing reactor efficiency and damage the reactor takes, but otherwise reactors are considered 100% stable below a certain heat threshhold and have their own heat dissipation rate dependent on number of blocks.
    Dec 14, 2014
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    Stabilizers were good, like many other concepts... it's just that...
    the distance penalty was a bad implementation choice, it was way too high...
    side / proximety bonuses were complementary.

    Auxillary, capacitor, heatsink, stabilizer, call it what you will, there is no right or wrong... they just need to fill a role.
    A cundundrum of personal choices that have to be made, can't have / don't need them all.

    All the power 2.0 work which just needed some "balance" is now being abandoned because of whinning about balance, exploits and META.
    It's a game, there will always be balance, exploit, and META problems... just like in the real world, nothing is perfect.
    Accept it, get over it and start measuring META against META instead of ruining the game for those not interested.
    The existing players were having a good time in spite of all those issues! (bugs / half implemented / missing content is another story).

    tis the classic mistake... too many cooks ruin the soup...
    the battle against exploits, META, PvP, balancing, and "i want it all", perfection gone too far.
    The only ones complaining: ... XxX

    Starting to get the feeling StarMade 2020 not gonna happen, wonder if there will be an update this year...
    was too quiet here thought I'd mixitupabit. :LOL:
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    Jun 1, 2015
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    i was exited when power 2.0 was announced, but once i tried to work with it
    it didnt play out to be as exiting as id hope

    the replacement for docked reactors, the explosive ones, was in my eyes the best solution
    it gave a sense of freedom

    we only had to read each servers limits and respect them
    if not, youd risk having all your stuff deleted

    but instead of giving the options for servers to set the limitations the whole game was limited

    i cant even screw over my private server if i want to, what was in my eyes the ultimate sandbox of idiotic big structures
    with docked reactors folded 20 times over into it self cramping as much power output as possible, managing to crash my computer if a mob managed to hit a connection point, but it was fine, i did that to my own computer

    it was THAT engineering that got me exited to play the game
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    Dec 14, 2014
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    but instead of giving the options for servers to set the limitations the whole game was limited

    at least modding gives hope.
    with a few good implementation choices Schine could pull the rabbit out of the hat...
    die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt! :giggle:
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