Agame, could you elaborate on your first point? Are you trying to set up an automatic detachment mechanism for your turrets or a deployment mechanism for concealed turrets (EDIT: As in this post: )?
As to your second point, you could link an inner ship remote to some wireless logic modules (however many as turrets you have, might be good to keep each close to a turret) and connect the wireless logic modules to another one on the turret (whichever half the Bobby AI is on). From there, connect the bobby AI to the wireless logic module (do not select "remote control" in the AI module). You should be able to activate and deactivate the AI on all the turrets from the ship remote and they should remain active if you relog.
OK. My docks are 3 blocks so far, as I did not need to add rotation enhancers on them yet. Foot is core, then immediately under it a docker, and 20 meters above it a turret dock with no blocks in between. Foot docks on the inside of the mothership, just behind a blast door on the ship's hull and the foot's turret dock will be covered inside the turret body, so it's not visible either.
And the turret head is actually the entire turret, looking like a smaller ship flying in formation close to the mothership (inside the mothership shield at all times). It also has a blast door for access to the core and to the turret head's dock. If I could I would also add a reactor inside the turret, with exactly the blocks needed to power the turret's weapons. By this I will make the turret self sufficient and if I can order from mothership by logic the opening of the turret's head door and simultaneously detaching the turret from its foot, then turret will become a 0 thrust 0 shield kind of awkward drone, leaving its foot mounted on mothership.
The difference in PvP is if turrets are clasic, not self-sufficient, one can go straight for the mothership reactor and when mothership starts loosing reactor blocks, turrets become gradually unpowered and the battle comes to an end pretty fast. If turrets are autonomous and the enemy does not suspect this, he will also go for the mothership reactor once mothership looses shields. And when mothership starts loosing reactor blocks, it just detaches the turrets and jump away or dies. The turrets are intact and keep on shooting, having some extra time to finish the enemy that ignored them. For that extra time, for using them as decoys to buy time for the life-saving jump, for visiting an enemy station and detaching turrets so they can camp it while I'm busy doing something else, I guess having the turrets heavier due to having an internal reactor is worth it.
They are not drones because they have 0 or almost 0 thrust and they never dock inside a hangar, not even having a docker on their hull for that. Their only docker is as close to their core as possible, in the center of the turret. They are not classic turrets also, they are my insanity's produced hybrid. And I wanted to know if logic can still detach them like it did in Pow 1.
Since my previous post I experimented and found a sistem like: One inner ship remote in mothership for turrets AI, one for turrets detach. Each one connects to a wireless module on mothership that connects to a corresponding wireless module inside each turret. Inside the turret, one wireless connects straight to its AI, one connects to turret door (Shift-V) and turret docker. So all is needed is 2 wireless modules inside each turret, 2 + 2x turrets number logic blocks in the mothership. Thank you for your kind answer.
PS: You make the final wireless connection in Astronaut mode, then close the turret door by hand when you exit it. When flying the mothership the first press on detach inner ship remote (ON state) just detaches, the second press (OFF state) opens the turret's doors. Default is OFF on inner ship remote for detaching turrets.