It's quite simple, Client-side only:
Allow to connect a camera to a display. That display will change its screen side texture to render the viewport of the camera, with the lines effect and the text (if any) over it.
to not impact performance players can chose the minimum distance from a screen before the client replaces the texture wit connected camera's viewport.
An extended and more complex version would be allowing to connect a camera to a screen in another entity (like WiFi blocks) from even 1 sector (no more because of loading issues). Rendering multiple viewports is still client side only. If the camera is from a different adjacent sector, it will not be shown unless the host computer has enough resources to do so.
in game usecases:
Allow to connect a camera to a display. That display will change its screen side texture to render the viewport of the camera, with the lines effect and the text (if any) over it.
to not impact performance players can chose the minimum distance from a screen before the client replaces the texture wit connected camera's viewport.
An extended and more complex version would be allowing to connect a camera to a screen in another entity (like WiFi blocks) from even 1 sector (no more because of loading issues). Rendering multiple viewports is still client side only. If the camera is from a different adjacent sector, it will not be shown unless the host computer has enough resources to do so.
in game usecases:
- control room for inner cameras in a station.
- control room to manually lock/unlock ship docks doors that will show ships docked to each dock (possible now by docking an entity in the control room for each camera, with the camera built above dock door, far from the entity dock/core. This would let stations save on entity amount
- remote watchtowers, small stations with multiple cameras, connected to the main station, possibly from 1 sector of distance. The main station will be able to see approaching
- scout ai ship or scout forwards propelled rocket. A big ship would check what is in a close sector by launching a scout and watching the camera. If the scout goes too far the display will stop receiving images (software wise it translates to the fact your computer won't load farther sectors so it cannot render them
- (for when command seats will be added) a seat connected to the core will give control of the ship (as said in the under-development suggestion) while keeping the view from a commander seat. A ship could have a commander seat in the main deck, exposed with visibility through glass, and another seat in the core room (or just entering the code), and still controll the ship from that view by seeing multiple viewports in different displays in front of him. It'd make combat interesting if i could fly my ship from the deck, seeing what's in front of me through the glass, and having displays around me that show my sides, behind, etcc
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