I finally wrote a review of Starmade, after 1000 hours.

    Jan 1, 2015
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    There was a time that Starmade had extraordinary promise. It had the potential to be the perfect meld between a highly nuanced building game of extraordinary tactical depth, a first person space RPG, and a grand space strategy game. That potential was still a long way off given that it is a VERY small team building the game. In the mean time however, the building part of the game was quite finely honed and functional and much fun could be had gaining even more expertise in ship building. There were still bugs and optimizations to work out, but the future looked very bright indeed.

    Then instead of building upon that base and starting to flesh out the rest of the game so the ships we build had something to do other than get materials for more ships, instead the developers decided to scrap the entire building system and start it over from essentially scratch. The extremely complex block building mechanics were still there, it would still take you days of work to pile all the blocks together to get a ship working, but virtually all the tactical depth of decision making in building was removed. The actual game mechanics of the build system has been dumbed down so much, that it is barely more sophisticated than most other space strategy games. The difference is that those other space strategy games do NOT require you to master an incredibly obtuse construction system that requires you to spend days piling blocks.

    This recent change has caused ALL of the literally thousands of ships and stations posted to community content to be utterly obsolete. Everything is now scrap. Everything will have to be rebuilt. The product of literally hundreds of thousands of man hours has been wasted. All so that the build system can be dumbed down to the point that even the most casual of gamer can easily understand the ship mechanics.

    (Choose the size of ship you want. Decide if you are willing to hugely sacrifice performance and stick with a long narrow ship, or worse a 'normal' looking ship, or go for a seriously weird oblique ship for maximum power. Decide on which weapon configuration you will use and how much of them. Decide how much shield, regenerators and thrusters you will use. Decide how you will allocate your ten chamber points. Then spend 100 hours piling blocks. That's it, that's ship building now.)

    I'll spare you the details of such as; how in so doing they have not just reduced the tactical depth of building choices, but also forced some truly bizarre ship design choices upon players. There IS an optimum ship shape that is so utterly bizarre that NO science fiction artist has ever thought to draw or paint, because no one would ever build a ship that way. But in Starmade, that is now the optimum ship.

    They have thrown their baby out with the bath water. Rather than take the one thing they had working, the thing that was the most extraordinary in all of gaming when it came to build systems, and finish the rest of the game. Instead they scrapped it and are basically starting over with a VASTLY inferior system. At this point it looks like the actual game part, the grand strategy part, will likely never be done. They will have to spend years tweaking, bug fixing and balancing their new, inferior build system first.

    I used to love the richness of the old build system and looked forward to expanding it into the strategy game proper. Now I hate the new build system and I expect we will never see the strategy game. I could not possibly more strongly NOT recommend this game at this point.
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    Oct 24, 2014
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    I am assuming you paid $15 for the game? You got 1000 hrs of playtime out of a 15 dollar investment. That is like 1.5 cents per hour. Sounds like you got your moneys worth and can now peacefully move on.

    GDPR 302420

    Although I completely agree that the power system was a stupid idea (the time it was implemented not the system itself) I feel this review ultimately comes down to "X changed and I don't like it"

    I think there is a lot to be said in a negative review about the power system alone, but your review isnt one of those things.

    It isnt constructive, and that comes from someone who has wrote one of the most upvoted negative review on steam to this day.

    I am assuming you paid $15 for the game? You got 1000 hrs of playtime out of a 15 dollar investment. That is like 1.5 cents per hour. Sounds like you got your moneys worth and can now peacefully move on.
    Hey look, another generic "Well you played X amount of time for X amount of money so you definetely are satisfied with what you paid for"
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    Jan 1, 2015
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    Although I completely agree that the power system was a stupid idea (the time it was implemented not the system itself) I feel this review ultimately comes down to "X changed and I don't like it"

    I think there is a lot to be said in a negative review about the power system alone, but your review isnt one of those things.

    It isnt constructive, and that comes from someone who has wrote one of the most upvoted negative review on steam to this day.
    No, it's, "Everything changed and I don't like it, for reasons."

    As for it not being constructive, sometimes voicing unrelenting disapproval can itself be constructive. Besides, I have made literally hundreds of constructive posts about all aspects of the game. Am I not allowed to say something that is not upbeat and positive when I think they have made a decision that has taken the game from one of the most promising games in the history of gaming, and turned it into a likely never to be finished, also ran?
    Jun 11, 2016
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    I'm sorry to hear, that you don't enjoy playing this game anymore.

    GDPR 302420

    As for it not being constructive, sometimes voicing unrelenting disapproval can itself be constructive. Besides, I have made literally hundreds of constructive posts about all aspects of the game. Am I not allowed to say something that is not upbeat and positive when I think they have made a decision that has taken the game from one of the most promising games in the history of gaming, and turned it into a likely never to be finished, also ran?
    You are allowed to say something that is not upbeat and positive, in fact if you have criticism I would encourage it. But the reason I would call your review to not be constructive is because it seems to be based on subjective opinions about Systems 2.0 that have very little (if at all) basis in facts.

    Reviews based on opinion are not "ideal" (for lack of a better word) as it is based on subjective viewpoint, reviews based on fact or opinions based on fact are much better means of criticism.

    Opinionated based reviews are not completely invalid in itself, but they are not "ideal" (again, for lack of a better word)
    Jan 4, 2015
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    Reviews based on opinion are not "ideal"
    nearly all reviews are based on opinions, your linked steam review included. thats kinda the point, actually. getting a "feel" for something usually requires more than just the facts about numbers and stuff in the game.
    Oct 24, 2014
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    My point is that Schema is going to make the game HE want's to play, not the game YOU want to play. If the new power system is awful or has severe unintended consequences Schema will know it and change it. If it takes 20 years to get there that is his choice. If you can't wait then it is probably best to move on.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    Believe it or not, that is NOT the optimum configuration. That is the optimum for people who actually care what a ship looks like, who care that a ship looks like a ship. The REAL optimum looks like nothing a ship should look like.
    Jul 10, 2013
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    The REAL optimum looks like nothing a ship should look like
    What, please tell me, a ship should look like ? Who are you to decide what a ship should look like ? What if I decide what a ship should look like ?
    Jan 1, 2015
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    What, please tell me, a ship should look like ? Who are you to decide what a ship should look like ? What if I decide what a ship should look like ?
    The optimum ship shape with the current system being worked on would be a long thin line, perhaps with a bump on each end, just like a dumbbell, except instead of being a straight line, front to back, it would be a sloping line at 45 degrees to one side and up or down. No ship 'should' look like that, but the current mechanics will reward exactly that.
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    Jul 10, 2013
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    Then again why NO ship SHOULD look like that ? What should a ship look like ? In space (near vacuum) the shape of a ship doesn't matter except to their builders. Extrem exemple, look at the tardis, its a phone box.


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    Don't let your designs be constrained by such artificial concepts as perspective and core facing direction. In space it's likely that no one shares your frame of reference anyways.


    madman Captain

    Self-appointet Overlord of the Scaffold
    Jan 11, 2015
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    The optimum ship shape with the current system being worked on would be a long thin line, perhaps with a bump on each end, just like a dumbbell, except instead of being a straight line, front to back, it would be a sloping line at 45 degrees to one side and up or down. No ship 'should' look like that, but the current mechanics will reward exactly that.
    In terms of playabillity that sound like a stupid idea, compared to a compacter builded ships of the same mass class you will suffer from the lag of manuverbillity or how good your power is defended, not to mention how obviously easy to locade your power is.
    May 25, 2014
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    Believe it or not, that is NOT the optimum configuration. That is the optimum for people who actually care what a ship looks like, who care that a ship looks like a ship. The REAL optimum looks like nothing a ship should look like.
    Why not? Seems like every other post you make about the new power system talks about dumbbell shaped ships as the 'optimum' shape, and dumbbell shaped would not be a incorrect way to describe that ship.

    The optimum ship shape with the current system being worked on would be a long thin line, perhaps with a bump on each end, just like a dumbbell, except instead of being a straight line, front to back, it would be a sloping line at 45 degrees to one side and up or down. No ship 'should' look like that, but the current mechanics will reward exactly that.
    There it is. smells a little contradictory. besides your big complaint is that the new system somehow forces use to make dumbbell shaped ships, kinda like the old system forced us to make cube shaped ships, because that was the optimum shape? 'cause, you know, all the ships on the dock are cubed shaped.....
    truth: you are only limited by your imagination and preconceptions, even with limited resources.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    There it is. smells a little contradictory. besides your big complaint is that the new system somehow forces use to make dumbbell shaped ships, kinda like the old system forced us to make cube shaped ships, because that was the optimum shape? 'cause, you know, all the ships on the dock are cubed shaped.....
    The old system did NOT reward cube ships at all, not one tiny bit with respect to power. I could get max power out of any shape at all, as long as at least one dimension exceeded 100 meters. Turning rates rewarded cube ships however, AND STILL DO!
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    Feb 27, 2014
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    I have yet to see any of the devs make an un-constructive or negative comment regarding player feedback on the in-development build.
    Some examples:

    I've seen this a few times. Can we dig a little deeper into, stupid and adds nothing to game play? We have our reasons for keeping them that I'll hold onto for awhile (We hold onto information because untainted/raw comments are the best kind of comments/feedback).
    Ok let me ask a different question then. Do players in this thread view stabilizers as essential to play? And why?
    StarMade wouldn't be the same without explosions, we're definitely going to experiment with that as soon as we get a somewhat stable config in our dev builds :)
    Etc..... they are keen for our feedback, have taken it onboard and have been testing player suggestions as well when they can.
    Nothing wrong with disagreeing with them, but if you want to move forward with the game you have to be respectful and constructive with the devs,
    Jun 22, 2013
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    [Are you really an American? Freedoom speech etc etc.]
    Relevant XKCD

    I don't think anyone here wants an echo chamber, that would be a disaster.

    But, guys, come on... we heard you the first time... and the second... and the third... and on and on. If the devs are going to listen they would have heard by now, it's getting old. The original post on this thread isn't even constructive in the slightest, it's just echoing what Panpiper and others have been saying over and over in other threads since the reveal stream.

    Please, believe me, I'm not a 'fanboy' or a 'white knight', I can recognize the flaws in the game as much as anyone, I just choose to be cautiously optimistic.

    And one last thing... you do know this game is in Alpha, right? This is not the first time all your shit has been broken, and count on it happening many more times. If you didn't know that when you signed up, it's nobody's fault but your own. You certainly don't have any right to get pissy about it.


    Professional Lurker
    Sep 6, 2016
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    The original post on this thread isn't even constructive in the slightest
    It doesn't have to be, people are aloud to vent frustration.
    Also yes you heard it all before but the more people speak up the more likely things will change. The more original post of people voicing their concern or displeasure the more likely the opinion will be heard rather then everyone commenting on the one thread. So yes you heard it but its ok, you don't need to sit though reading every word, skim through and move on if you aren't interested in engaging in the discussion rather then complaining about OPs post repeating what others have said.

    And one last thing... yes everyone knows the game is still in alpha which is why its the perfect time to voice these thing so it can be changed while its still somewhat easy to implement changes. I mean, isn't that the point.