Engine Porn


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    some engines..
    -image snip-
    Can I make a recommendation? These would look a lot nicer with some sort of ice + crystal combo over top of them, with the necessary gap left so they still glow of course.

    madman Captain

    Self-appointet Overlord of the Scaffold
    Jan 11, 2015
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    Red Eagle ships are powered by bubbles. Suddenly the blood/pipe god doesn't seem so terrifying.
    I'm sure every of this bubble is created by the torment of imperial psykers.;)
    Mar 10, 2016
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    This thread keeps being awesome! (y) I think this is the third time I show something of my own here, this time allow me to post a video instead of pictures. It's not all about engines, but the first 3 projects briefly showcased in the clip all have radical engine designs, especially the STATION TOWING POWERHOUSE! (because we all need something of that nature) ;)

    0:45 - Engine #1
    1:15 - Engine #2
    2:10 - Engine #3

    (Sorry if the background ambiance track gets annoying after a while, mute the video and play some music you like instead.)

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    Aug 16, 2015
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    for all y'all with pulse fetishes
    Though this is an older message, that is great for someone RPing the Orion Drive.. it uses nuclear pulse propulsion, dropping a small nuclear bomb behind the ship every few seconds and using the destination to push the ship forward.. It is the most efficient spacecraft engine humanity has devised.. It started as a joke, until they did the math. The concept was proven using chemical explosives and during the orgy of nuclear spending during the 1950s, it got approved for further research. Through this the 'nuclear shape charge' was dreamed up, designed, developed and tested. We even designed ships using it... until the Air Force got ahold of it and designed a space battleship just one of which could sterilize the planet three times over. They even made a mockup of it and proudly showed it to President Kennedy.. He, rightfully so, freaked out about it and what the Soviet reaction would be if they got ahold of even a picture of the model. He ordered it all destroyed and shut down. Though the risk for terrorism in Earth orbit is too great, this still remains the most cost and energy efficient way to get something like a starship up to relativistic speeds to travel to another star. Further, due to the fact that Thermonuclear Weapons have no maximum limit to how powerful you can make them, this drive could even be used for something the size of a space ark.

    </useless fact of the day>

    See here for Information <----A write up on all of it.
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