Buff warhead damage/radius poll [Remastered]

    Buff levels (Pick one damage and one radius please)

    • No damage buff

      Votes: 9 25.7%
    • 20k damage

      Votes: 9 25.7%
    • 50k damage

      Votes: 1 2.9%
    • 100k damage

      Votes: 5 14.3%
    • 200k damage

      Votes: 3 8.6%
    • 500k+ damage

      Votes: 5 14.3%
    • No radius buff

      Votes: 11 31.4%
    • 10 meters

      Votes: 11 31.4%
    • 30 meters

      Votes: 2 5.7%
    • 20 meters

      Votes: 3 8.6%
    • 40 meters

      Votes: 1 2.9%
    • 50 meters(why!)+

      Votes: 4 11.4%

    • Total voters
    Jun 11, 2016
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    How we could warheads right now with the current game's possibilities:
    My thought on warheads is, that they allready could be used right now with some raised server side settings. But only for a certain size of ships and smaller.

    Just assume a ship can carry 5 warheads. They are 1x1x7m. So ships of a maximum of 1500blocks are fine for this battle setting, because a ship of 1500blocks really feels, if it uses 50 blocks (7x5 blocks =35 plus 15 blocks tube and containment) just for warheads.

    And what damage should do one of them? Well a ship of 1500 blocks has a really small size, not longer than 25m. Those ships are very agile and can target stuff very fast. Why not make the warhead damage to a radius of 10m? So 2 hits of warheads would totally destroy your ship. But with ships this size, dont forget that they can easily outmaneuver and also target those warheads. And if a ship of this size manages to outmaneuver those, and didn't waste space for warheads themself, they have a huge system advantage of the opponent that used and wasted they warheads.

    Above this ship size, warheads are again shit, because they would only complicate ship building with an additional anti warhead turret clutter. Even if you spam warheads, there are enough possibilities to add defences against them. But spamming warheads is only possible with bigger ship sizes as they cant carry only so much.

    Suggestion for Gamemechanic changes (just theorycrafting and nothing practical or readworthy ;)):

    Warheads are a cool thing, you guys are just not clever enough to think how they could work:

    First of all a 1x1x7m long miniship might be a well realistic size for the real world, but in Starmade, given we assume a buffed warhead damage, this small size is a little too beneficial.

    Warheads should do 30 m (50m is too much in the current overall size of the game) radius damage, but they also should limit ships that carry them.

    First of all you need a special "warhead" AI setting, that does actually what a warhead is supposed to do.

    Secondly, and here comes the special, you need to balance them. Or not! Why balance warheads, this is a sandbox. But i run into walls inside of heads from pvpers when I say that.

    Anyway, to balance warheads a little bit I would say:
    -They should take up 2x2x10m of space, not 1x1x7m.
    -They should be indicatable via the AI warhead setting and maybe behave slightly different, maybe not run in a straight line but try to make some evasive maneuvers when approaching a target.
    -With that AI flag there could be turrets that target those warheads.
    -They should be able to travel a long way, but should be slower than normal missiles, normal ship speed is totally fine.
    -They should add exponential mass to a ship, so a ship of 60m size, that would get devasted from one warhead, should also only be able to carry 5 of those, and a ship of 20m size upwards should be able to carry one warhead.
    -Small ships should be able to easily avoid warheads (everything below 80 length).
    -But why make your day hard? If we are able to have a "warhead" flag on our docked entity, why not just chain down some variables to the mothership, that limit a number of max docked warheads to a certain ship size. (Oh and all of a sudden you would like to have bigger mothership sizes and stuff like docked hull could be nerfed, because all the docked entities would not raise your mothership size that's used for the warhead limitations).

    But for all of this, and to make warheads feel balanced one thing is indispensable:
    We need to assume a different battle setting in Starmade. Battles often happen around 1vs1 or at maximum 5vs5. In this scenario buffed warheads are totally overpowered. But what happens, if we have a bigger number of participating ships? Exactly, if a warhead takes up some space in a ship, they suddenly would have an impact on the ships perfomance, as you took away a huge space for a one time bullet. And one time bullets get less and less effective, the bigger and longer fights get.

    I don't want to proof, that warheads will ever be totally balanced. I wanted to proof, that there are ways to balance them. A nice theory, but too hard too implement for a too low benefit, and a setting of battles we don't have because of the playercount.

    If we had battles with a size bigger than 5v5 buffed warheads might be totally fine.
    You really should stop to look at warheads like torpedoes, they were not designed to do that we have missiles for that, and look at them as boarding tools to break through doors.
    I understand this statement from a pvpers point of view. But this is a sandbox game about creativitiy besides being a pvp game. It's somewhat paradox to tell a man to stop dreaming inside a game about creativity, isn't it? =)

    After all the guys who play this game for rp purposes have a legit point too. They want to feel the immersion of nukes without having to use 90% of their space for system blocks, what the typical rp builder allready never does. A rp builder only uses like 50% or less of his space for systems in some cases, and often enough those systems cant even do a 5 block radius hole into an enemy ship. Ofcourse they want some substitution for that problem.
    Sep 18, 2014
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    I understand this statement from a pvpers point of view. But this is a sandbox game about creativitiy besides being a pvp game. It's somewhat paradox to tell a man to stop dreaming inside a game about creativity, isn't it? =)

    After all the guys who play this game for rp purposes have a legit point too. They want to feel the immersion of nukes without having to use 90% of their space for system blocks, what the typical rp builder allready never does. A rp builder only uses like 50% or less of his space for systems in some cases, and often enough those systems cant even do a 5 block radius hole into an enemy ship. Ofcourse they want some substitution for that problem.
    I'm not telling you to stop dreaming about torpedoes that can go through shields though i ask for people to stop to ask to buff something to make it work their way. Warheads aren't made for this purpose and we should let server owners decide what they want to do with this bloc. Warheads are formidable to cut through doors and things like that, if you change completely their mechanics or increase too much their damages then you can't use them anymore to board ships.
    I know boarding isn't a thing in this game as it is completely useless and a colossal waste of time at the moment but i'm asking you one thing. Don't change the original purpose of warheads because you want something else and leave this decision to server owners. It's not like it takes only a few minutes to do this change.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Don't change the original purpose of warheads because you want something else
    On the flipside, alpha is alpha, don't get too attached to how anything currently works because it will almost assuredly be changed by launch.


    Home of Titan Guard
    Sep 11, 2013
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    I recall a player who joined starmade just to use warheads because he watch another griefers video, who was hitting players at their stations firing from a dirt cloaked ship, where he also lived in a little hole in the ground to where the dirt came from to build his ship. Those who double talk without real knowledge trying to sell a one only point of view is a griefer We Billy Goats know all about trolls, ever since Gruff took out the first one! :)

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    I can't speak for the others but my original purpose for warheads was to create more exotic tactical weapons systems like bombs, mines, siege cannons, torpedoes and cruise missiles. I like the ability to hop in a fighter, bomber or destroyer and engage in precision strikes against ships and structures.

    With regard to warheads; this presents an opportunity to do limited heavy precision strikes using smaller craft. ...Nothing crazy like Luke Skywalker popping Death Stars, but more like an FA-18 firing a harpoon or two at a frigate. You should NOT expect to kill the entire pacific fleet like this but you can cause massive burst damage on a one-time basis.

    Right now, effective combat options are pretty limited and don't allow for much in the way of RP elements. Meanwhile, we still have weapons and effects that do not function as intended. Warheads had a lot of potential to fill in the gaps left by the other weapons and effect systems. I find it disturbing that the main ideas being bounced around are for breaching and griefing.
    Last edited:


    Home of Titan Guard
    Sep 11, 2013
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    Well you could use warheads but make them ion and emp only that way they serve a purpose for the next weapon from your ship. I agree with that as it makes logical sense in game play with a slight increase in their effect from current. Since there is already is an explosion related missiles and guns platforms taking down power and shields could do with a boost, like a support vessels dedicated to this role, seems fitting.
    Feb 11, 2017
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    Didn't there used to be complaining on how warheads were super over-powered and pretty much able to obliterate large ships with only a couple of them? I swear that used to be an issue around when they first came out.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Dunno about breaking shields, an ion missile or laser works plenty fine as it is. Shields usually drop pretty fast.

    Didn't there used to be complaining on how warheads were super over-powered and pretty much able to obliterate large ships with only a couple of them? I swear that used to be an issue around when they first came out.
    That was back before the hp update, when a core was the only thing standing between you and death. It was just a bad system.

    At the moment, with structure hitpoints governing overheating, a few warheads usually doesnt do much at all. Very good for breaching charges, but as a torpedo not really worth much. Ive never gotten a critical hit with torpedoes since the hp update, usually just some small damage to systems near the surface.

    What they can sometimes be used for is popping small, vulnerable turrets off capital ships that have too much shields to penetrate.


    May 24, 2015
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    LOL, lets wait until all the bugs and glitches are fixed before we start adjusting warheads.

    Oct 22, 2014
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    I do use them for other purposes, I just happen to really like them as torpedoes. I asked for new cores for them, or failing that, new modes for Bobby AI to use them for more purposes a while back. I wanted to make mines with them, the problem is, you dont want your minefield showing all the nav markers, or whats the point? I have come up with several ways to use them for door cutting and such, and they work just fine for that, but don't limit what I can do with something that you think should only be used for one purpose. Just saying.

    I'd be happy if they left them just as they are and fixed the collision problems.

    Edit: I'm not even a PVP player atm, I'm waiting for more substantial gameplay. I also don't even know how to achieve the exploits mentioned in this thread, and don't really care about them as I assume the devs will straighten that out sooner or later.
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    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    I just want warhead-pumped lasers (and other weapons) for laser torpedoes to bypass AMS, for one-time use oversized spinal-mount weapons for fighter-bombers, and for helping people and stuff.


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    LOL, lets wait until all the bugs and glitches are fixed before we start adjusting warheads.

    None of these bugs actually work anymore, warheads now explode as if detonated by logic about 99.9% of the time, warheads no longer clip, and docked warheads are back to that old bugged state where they flat out don't explode at all.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    None of these bugs actually work anymore, warheads now explode as if detonated by logic about 99.9% of the time, warheads no longer clip, and docked warheads are back to that old bugged state where they flat out don't explode at all.
    Dont mind me, just lemme undo/ redo a stick of warhead into your boat )))))

    Or, if you have any station you like, just lemme warhead prod all the turrets off ))))))



    Maiden of crashes
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    Dont mind me, just lemme undo/ redo a stick of warhead into your boat )))))
    Even undo warheads now only explode as if activated by logic rather than doing the explode multiple times thing. also we really shouldn't base our balancing around bugs and exploits.


    May 24, 2015
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    last time I checked (about a week ago with the pre-build), my warheads still clipped... granted they only did like 2,000 Damage vs the 20,000 they did before.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    Even undo warheads now only explode as if activated by logic rather than doing the explode multiple times thing. also we really shouldn't base our balancing around bugs and exploits.
    Actually we should.

    Until it is fixed, if you just buff warhead, the exploits become even deadlier.

    Want this game to turn into 2 warhead swords fighting each other? Buff warheads :D


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Actually we should.

    Until it is fixed, if you just buff warhead, the exploits become even deadlier.

    Want this game to turn into 2 warhead swords fighting each other? Buff warheads :D
    1. That would actually be pretty awesome.
    2. If its such a deadly exploit then why aren't warheads at the top of the meta rather than sitting in last along with pulse.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    1. That would actually be pretty awesome.
    2. If its such a deadly exploit then why aren't warheads at the top of the meta rather than sitting in last along with pulse.

    People dont use non-home base stations anymore, partially due to how easy it is to be blown up, but even well built stations can be easily destroyed by a warhead stick.


    The people who know about it aren't really seen much on multiplayer servers using it and people prefer to stick with what they are used to.