The turret thread

    madman Captain

    Self-appointet Overlord of the Scaffold
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    One option is to have a basic weapon turret (I'm using a 1-block cannon with stop effect.) and set the AI to target "selected". Dock your salvager array to the front of the turret barrel so that it blocks the cannon.
    Works for me thanks.
    But the second problem is how to transport the mining goods to the ship? In my tests it wasnt possible to connect a cargo-controller and a rail turret axis.
    Jan 2, 2016
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    Works for me thanks.
    But the second problem is how to transport the mining goods to the ship? In my tests it wasnt possible to connect a cargo-controller and a rail turret axis.
    I think I read somewhere in the forum like a month ago - one guy tried logic-switching the turret axis for a fixed docker for the duration of the cargo transfer and it worked for him. Haven't tried it myself though. Anyone can confirm?

    madman Captain

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    I think I read somewhere in the forum like a month ago - one guy tried logic-switching the turret axis for a fixed docker for the duration of the cargo transfer and it worked for him. Haven't tried it myself though. Anyone can confirm?
    Sadly you cant :(

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
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    Sadly you cant :(
    The turret axis/rail basic switch doesn't work because of the cargo auto-pull function. You will are currently limited to automatic transfers between just 2 entities. There doesn't seem to be a way move cargo between a chain of 3 or more entities. Since you now have a 3 stage salavger turret, you are now at a 4 entity chain. Auto-pull is a non-starter because of this.

    There is a slight workaround: Try making your turret's cargo bay into "Personal storage" in your inventory screen. You can then open your ship's cargo bay, click the "Cargo button" on the inventory screen to switch to the turret's cargo, then move everything over. It adds an extra step to the process but it's nothing that requires you to get out of your ship core. You can do everything from the same entity level.

    The downside is that you can only do this with one turret at a time; which is reasonable since you can only target 2 asteroids at a time; 1 by the turret and one by you.

    Hope this helps.
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    madman Captain

    Self-appointet Overlord of the Scaffold
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    The turret axis/rail basic switch doesn't work because of the cargo auto-pull function. You will are currently limited to automatic transfers between just 2 entities. There doesn't seem to be a way move cargo between a chain of 3 or more entities. Since you now have a 3 stage salavger turret, you are now at a 4 entity chain. Auto-pull is a non-starter because of this.

    There is a slight workaround: Try making your turret's cargo bay into "Personal storage" in your inventory screen. You can then open your ship's cargo bay, click the "Cargo button" on the inventory screen to switch to the turret's cargo, then move everything over. It adds an extra step to the process but it's nothing that requires you to get out of your ship core. You can do everything from the same entity level.

    The downside is that you can only do this with one turret at a time; which is reasonable since you can only target 2 asteroids at a time; 1 by the turret and one by you.

    Hope this helps.
    This workaround seems usefull thanks.

    The other thing is: Multi entity pull is possible because of cargo auto-pull can be activated/deactivated by logic witch mean I can create semi or full automatic pull systems with puffer storages in the chain-entity the only problem for my turret is still the turret-axis-block witch I cant connect with a storage.


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    I think I read somewhere in the forum like a month ago - one guy tried logic-switching the turret axis for a fixed docker for the duration of the cargo transfer and it worked for him. Haven't tried it myself though. Anyone can confirm?
    That was me swapping a rotator. It's not ideal.

    If you exit game with rotator connected it requires manual reconnection when you go back on. Only tested in single player at the mo.

    Key i found was to have a rail basic connected to cargo then when you swtch it to rotator the game maintains the cargo xonnection until you leave the game.

    PVP server testing required.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
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    A work around for a workaround... That's why I love this community.
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    Feb 4, 2015
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    *slow clap* amazing, realy nice job with those turrets
    Thanks so much Extholious, I spent quite a bit of time on them =) There is actually an updated version that laces in some black and dark grey throughout the units to add shading and contrast, but inexplicably, I can not find the darn blueprint (so I just posted the base model, lol)

    madman Captain

    Self-appointet Overlord of the Scaffold
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    That turret's so big it needs it's own thermal exhaust port.
    Sadly that turret (and the ship) died on NFD because of bugs :(.
    I never had problems with NFD but this one bug... this one and only bug!


    Building masochist
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    Can't believe I never posted an image of this thing here. Presenting the Harbinger turret:

    176k mass, 600m long. It's a beast.
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
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    Can't believe I never posted an image of this thing here. Presenting the Harbinger turret:

    176k mass, 600m long. It's a beast.
    Tactical analysis complete.

    Staying the **** away from whatever ship has that mounted...
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    Building masochist
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    Tactical analysis complete.

    Staying the **** away from whatever ship has that mounted...
    It was originally meant to go on my titan but I'm doing a redesign, and it'd just collide with everything unfortunately. The ship will have a larger integrated turret instead :P

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
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    It was originally meant to go on my titan but I'm doing a redesign, and it'd just collide with everything unfortunately. The ship will have a larger integrated turret instead :P
    A forward facing unit would still be OP as hell. The Whammy likes...

    I can't wait for them to finally release the power overhaul. That's when the real fun begins.


    Jul 12, 2013
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    Can't believe I never posted an image of this thing here. Presenting the Harbinger turret:

    176k mass, 600m long. It's a beast.
    You doesnt mount that turret on a ship, you mount the ship on that turret
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