The topic I am on is one of dissuading you from the utter nonsense of even thinking about a 3000 block long ship. Even if you could get the astronomical quantity of blocks that would take, even if you could find a server insane enough to let you build it, even if you were actually willing and able to put in the enormous investment of time to build it, even if the developers perfected the coding sufficient for the server to not promptly crash the instant you tried to do anything with the bloody thing, it is absolutely guaranteed to be a lemon that will simply be destroyed by some player or faction that does not appreciate the gargantuan burden your monstrosity is placing on 'their' server.Not to be rude, but you are going way off topic and your not being of any help.
I can guarantee you 100% that by the time you are half way finished with your ship, you will discover any number of things about it you regret or that are seriously substandard. Going back and redoing things however at that point will take WAY too much work, and you'll be faced with the decision to just quit or finish your lemon.
Assuming you do finish the thing, you will discover that it is nowhere near as invulnerable as you think. A player will easily be able to identify a direction from which they may approach your monster that will permit them to engage a part of your ship without it's main turrets being able to fire. It is simply 'too' big. You will have neither the maneuverability nor the speed with which to control the range or direction of the engagement and so they will be able to engage on their own terms. They will fire hundreds if not thousands of missiles from maximum range that can strike the hull of your ship while what partial turrets that part of the ship is able to bring to bear will be woefully insufficient to penetrate the literally hundreds of point defense turrets the enemy fleet will bring on screening ships. Your own point defense will be absolutely swamped. (Swamping point defense is a trivial exercise for people who know what they are doing.)
Absolutely regardless of how many shield rechargers you have on your ship, one or a few much smaller, much better designed 'titans' will be able to overwhelm it. (Smaller ships 'can' be redesigned and rebuilt if they are found to be substandard, while yours will be much too big for such iteration.) They will simply whittle down your shields, then pour damage into your hull until half your ship has been hollowed out, likely without your main guns 'ever' being able to fire. And even if they did, they won't get through the point defense fleet fire.
All that work will ultimately be for naught.