weapon system turrets design

    1. Gmodism

      GI_Turret Cp-OD Terra Mk8

      The Gmodism Industries Proudly Brings you: GI Turret Cp Terra Mark 8 The Terra Autocannon Turret was first developed for the Terrasonister by master engineer Xaubercrow, after long time of battle testing it has been improved. The Mark 8 is heavier using light-howitzers and the cannon barrels...
    2. ControlledAnger

      Help Designing Potent Turret system for Huge 3km ship

      I'm currently in the process of building a 3km (100m block) ship and im theorizing the turrets before I start on them but im relatively new to Starmade and pvp so I need some help here. The goals this system needs to achieve are as follow; -Must be able to hit targets from the other side of the...