- The Rack name has to be of the format "dwr"_"builder name"_"optional rack name" i.e. dwr_drakkart_myherosrack
yummi! looking forward to it
you need to reupload that - The Rack name has to be of the format "dwr"_"builder name"_"optional rack name" i.e. dwr_drakkart_myherosrack this has it's reasons trust me i won't be able to find your rack otherwise in my world.We are entering the competition with our light
drone class the Gaul
Gaul light drone fighter squadron pack
View attachment 29371
name convention... reupload pleaseEdit2: Here's the Community Content Link: Drone Wars 2 StormWing0 ExoForce
We are entering the competition with our light
drone class the Gaul
Gaul light drone fighter squadron pack
View attachment 29371
careful, i could decide to do all the judgement *giggles*Excellent. My assassination attempts on the judges have been effective ! Now I cannot lose points for looks ! :D
In all seriousness though sad they wont be available. But I am sure the battles will still turn out well.
In other news, I should be able to upload mine tonight. Just have to fix a tiny rail bug (already know what to do) and upload my drone team !
*Dramatic Music*
ARF Duuuuuuude ! You made a great mistake.Mine is up;
Activate the logic button on the rear to launch. Ai's are all set.
- maximum of 3 different type of drones
You have 8 different drones. At its actual state you risk the disqualification. :/Type means a maximum of 3 different drone types a type being a systems design and/or mechanically wise equally equiped than another of that role. Preferably the types can be distinguished by looks.That "type" is a bit vague.
Is it concern only drone's concepts/roles ? or also decorative and minor colours swapping changes ?
I.e. : Imagine 4 strictly same drones about systems, hull general shape, roles and stats but with different colours, different superficial hull patterns (last external hull) or number assigned (n°1,2,3,4).
In practical terms would it be possible to do something like that without getting disqualified by that rule : [C]-[R]-[O]-[Q]
Or it'll be necessary to do that kind of stuffs : [CROQ]-[CROQ]-[CROQ]-[CROQ]
The judges are not going to judge more than 3 different drones per submission to determine their score. overall score = amount of type 1 x 1/3 of score of type 1, amount of type 2 x 1/3 of score of type 2, amount of type 3 x 1/3 of score of type 3 and if there is a type four then this leads to a disqualify. we need to keep the workload minimal sorry to cut into creative freedom here but we have to limit it.