Starmade NOPE Moments

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Man, SM people are nice.
    Recently on my heavy cruiser build:
    Madman is working inside this heavy vessel, docking our drone Headhunters and fixing logic. Finding a fault in the logic, he proceeds to EJECT ONE INSIDE THE SEALED HANGAR BAY. When I come back, I get this greeting: Hey, the cruiser's 1500m from base and moving away rapidly. This cruiser is still a hull, mind you, no systems installed minus hangar logic.
    Wait what?
    Who needs a jumpdrive, I've got the one-and-only CLIPDRIVE!
    Needless to say, I turned around and proceeded to continue work on my corvette, pretending he could POSSIBLY get it back without some OTHER explosion of clippage.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Why not just warp the astronaut into a star? Transporter them into a coffin (2x1x1, perfect size for caging astronauts), inside a docked drone ship with no AI and a logic jump drive.

    Then, set the logic clock, drop the coffin pointing at the nearest star, and wait for the swearing to begin.

    Edit: I have to say it: I love that someone rated my post about deviously and slowly killing some poor noob as "Useful"
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    Dec 3, 2013
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    Well... Moments ago, while re coloring a large drone carrier frame I had a nope moment. As I worked and neared the end of the new paint job I suddenly noticed I was taking weapons fire. The game decided my new saves of my drones (The ones I'm working on for the Drone Wars Competition) were enemy spawn-able. It spawned some of my most dangerous drones to attack an un-shielded frame in the spawn sector.

    As I shouted "NOPE" I used the admin spawn button to spawn MORE of the drones but for the Trade Guild. The problem sorted itself out before I took too heavy damage. Was able to fix the damage pretty easy. But man, that moment when you think an hour of work is going to go down the drain.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    I did better. I think I already mentioned it in this thread.

    Oh the joy of discovered that player factions do NOT start with "1", but instead "10001"......and realizing that indeterminate factions are always hostile.

    Note to self, double-check before spawning your OWN most dangerous vessel to kill you. I even spawned two of the darn things.
    Aug 8, 2013
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    Well... Moments ago, while re coloring a large drone carrier frame I had a nope moment. As I worked and neared the end of the new paint job I suddenly noticed I was taking weapons fire. The game decided my new saves of my drones (The ones I'm working on for the Drone Wars Competition) were enemy spawn-able. It spawned some of my most dangerous drones to attack an un-shielded frame in the spawn sector.

    As I shouted "NOPE" I used the admin spawn button to spawn MORE of the drones but for the Trade Guild. The problem sorted itself out before I took too heavy damage. Was able to fix the damage pretty easy. But man, that moment when you think an hour of work is going to go down the drain.
    I remember in the old days when shield capacitors/generators were the same block, I was building a ship I called "The wedge" (because it was a giant, featureless system wedge....)

    Several pirate ships spawned and started firing on me, so I just spam-placed a ton of shield blocks and watched my single little cannon turret slowly take them out as they couldn't touch my shielding... xD


    Pipe-God-Emperor of starmade
    Nov 29, 2013
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    so I decided to do some skid racing the other day...
    this might have been a small source of lag


    Detail Devil
    Jan 16, 2016
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    On my very first day playing Starmade, I had my little noob starter ship, and was looking to explore around, land on some planets, all the things noobs do. Suddenly, a fleet of 5 or 6 pirate Isanth IVs appear, and start shooting. (This is pre Isanth 0). Now, like any noob, I run for the nearest station, "nope"ing all the way - I land my ship inside one of the hangar bays, and get out, so the pirates don't shoot at my ship. I though that if I just sat there for long enough, they would go away. Needless to say, I suddenly noticed holes appearing in the floor of the station - I though my mouse was acting up, deleting those blocks... yeah, NOPE.

    Funny thing, a few months later, I had built a 300 meter long battleship, and decided to go exploring again. I came upon the same station I had visited my first day, and rescued my ship - it was completely undamaged.

    TL;DR: Station 75 does not have shields - the Isanths can and will kill you.


    Pipe-God-Emperor of starmade
    Nov 29, 2013
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    so you ran into a fleet of 4 or 5 isanths? that's cute


    Oct 30, 2015
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    Spaced in Transit.

    You know how they say 'don't exit spaceship while in flight'? Well DON'T. While field testing my 50k champ (before it was a champ) I was tuning up my systems after my latest build-jag. Sure, I BP'd my build...some time ago...and I was gonna save it again as soon a I got home except I suffered an accidental air-lock failure and ejected myself from my ship. No problem right, the new dampening feature from the thruster update will slow her down and I'll be on my way.

    So now I am looking at the product of weeks of work sailing away from me at full speed. For some reason I can't explain I am not travelling with my ship as is normal. I am no longer in it's gravity well and my fancy cruise control (logic Push-drive) is ensuring that my ship is never going to stop. After recovering from my heart dropping down to my colon and drenched in terror-sweat I searched my pockets. Ho ho! I rummaged around in 'Emergency supplies' (personal crafting inventories) and found a jump-stick and some basic parts. I can't use the jump stick because I need to keep eye on the runaway so I quickly built a small scooter. Off I go in pursuit.

    I am able to overtake but now how do I get inside? The only entrance is the dorsal hatch but after many tries I am not able to thread the needle on a moving ship. I search for my grapple gun only to find a post-it note about buying a grapple gun next time I visit the spawn-shop. :mad: So I fly out ahead in the path of my rogue and wait for it to hit me. It takes four tries just get a hand hold grapple but at least I am anchored to my prize. Puzzling out my predicament like a hood-ornament it finally dawned on me: Build Block. And yes, damn right I had one on me! Now, I never leave home without my grapple gun...and I sprayed some WD-40 on that airlock.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    WD-40????? You idiot, your problem was slipping out of the airlock in the first place!
    This was clearly a problem where things needed to not move, therefore the correct remedy was duct tape!
    Always remember: There are only two kinds of problems in the world; those that require things to move less, and those that require things to move more.
    Always remember: There are only two kinds of solutions in this world; those that require duct tape, and those that require WD-40.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    How many times are you going to bring up the image of yourself hurtling off into space at translight speeds? I swear I've seen this a dozen times already, in different places.

    Speaking of which, how are you here to bother us with this?!??!?!? You should still be hurtling off into deep space!


    Identifies as a T-34
    Nov 16, 2013
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    How many times are you going to bring up the image of yourself hurtling off into space at translight speeds? I swear I've seen this a dozen times already, in different places.

    Speaking of which, how are you here to bother us with this?!??!?!? You should still be hurtling off into deep space!
    He time-warped, causing him to arrive back from deep space at the same time he left.
    Jan 27, 2016
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    A week or two ago, I was working on a light cruiser shell in creative mode. I was spawning in and deleting my ballistics gel blueprint to test a few different weapon mixes. I was arrowing up to Destroy_Entity_Dock with the chat screen open, went too far and hit the spawn_tester_something_or_another command, and spawned in a spider right below the deck plating of the engineering section where I keep my core.

    Well, no big deal, I got out of the core, drew my laser pistol, and started hunting the single spider down. Then the turret fortifications of my nearby main base noticed the spider and opened up on my WIP ship. I started panicking :eek:, hoped the shields would hold and started wishing for a sprint command as I cleared some cover and got line of sight on the little bugger.

    Then the shields went down :eek::eek:, and I was backpedaling in the other direction as I got a close up of a stream, no A LITERAL RIVER :eek::eek::eek:, of yellow and red tracers cut a gash in the side of the ship, shredded half of engineering, the spider, and then cut a gash out the other side of the ship before they stopped firing. Thankfully, none of the incoming missiles made it into the hole the tracers opened up to kill me, they just blew some nice big craters along the upper hull.

    And that is how I learned what that particular command did. I lost the previous hour or of work when I said NOPE, screw it, repairs would take longer then just deleting the current ship and spawning in a recent blueprint backup.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Way way back on my first time playing the game, I made what I thought was a pretty neato little ship out of the junk i had from spawning. I went off to a nearby sector, selected on asteroid and went to work hollowing it out by hand, building a factory and whatnot. My own little base.
    What I didn't know was that there was a pirate station only two sectors away, just outside the loaded sector range. A couple isanths showed up. I had no idea what I was doing really, but I got into my fighter and went after them. No armor/structure hitpoints back then, your entire ship was made of tissue paper as soon as the shields dropped, and the first hit to the core block would kill you. I had no shields and there was only one layer of blocks protecting the core.

    I respawned on the asteroid with that handy plex undeathinator I decided to buy from the shop. Turns out it was a terrible idea. The pirates didn't go away, they continued to attack me while I ran and hid in one of the tunnels I'd excavated. It didn't work, obviously. Eventually I did get rid of them by taking a core and flying off as fast as I could. They followed me off into the void and killed me out there. I respawned at my base, but my rock was swiss cheese. As a matter of fact, they took out the factory I'd been using. And I had used my only remaining ship core.

    I couldn't spawn a ship to escape, I couldn't respawn anywhere but my rock, I didn't have a factory or the resources to produce one or a core. i was legitimately stuck.

    That was a pretty shitty day in general. :P


    Pipe-God-Emperor of starmade
    Nov 29, 2013
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    more of a nope for a pirate than for me.

    so I was field testing my "currently as of yet unnamed wip" and I decided to go fight some pirates as per usual. I then came across one that was using a ship I got from the dock, and this pirate kept harassing me to the point my shields dipped below 50% (normally the point I hit the jump drives because I cant be bothered with it) so I decided to shoot it...I was expecting it to shoot back as they normally do, but it didn't.

    I thought to myself "did I really take out all the computers in one shot?" as the ship is neither moving under its own power or shooting back (well apart from the many turrets it had) so I decided to take a look at where I shot. after a short while of following the line where my damage beam had impacted the ship, I came across the ships core room. I knew this because the nav marker where the core is was in the next room that had a rather nice hole in the floor...
    there was a core under that faction block.

    it seemed that I had somehow destroyed the entire core block of the ship, thus rendering it a floating husk with turrets, a mobile station perhaps, or even an oversized highly detailed piece of debris?

    however I decided that it was a very bad day for this pirate.