Vulcan D'kyr class Cruiser, from ST: Enterprise, which ironically enough I had never watched, I had just seen the ship on Memory Alpha and loved it. I built the original Aethi runabout, the Karas-Tlen class, after its design, but ended up never scaling it up... And when I gave up on the Arai-Torok-class, its mother ship, in favor of a newer corvette and frigate (Kalen-Miris-class and Eser-Kalan-class respectively, the latter of which will be refitted when I get home) the runabout fell out of use entirely in favor of various versions of my shuttle and a new overdrive runabout I created a while ago. And unfortunately, though I always meant to get back to making a D'kyr, I now doubt that I ever will. So.. Meh. :/
EDIT: Just realized, the Karas-Tlen wasn't my first legitimate ship by any means; I in fact created a shuttle out of gray hull and system blocks, but that disappeared (for the better) with the server I used to play on,