Read by Council how to fix fighters vs big ships


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    No, its called satire.
    So now you play the "I was just joking the whole time guys xDDDDD" card. Predictable for someone who understands they are in the wrong.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Little ship vs. big ship.
    Which one was the winner in this little conflict?


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    So now you play the "I was just joking the whole time guys xDDDDD" card. Predictable for someone who understands they are in the wrong.
    I'm sorry, you're 100% right. Big ships don't exist in Starmade because little ships are better. There is no advantage to being in a bigger ship than the other guy given equally well put together builds, and in fact a fighter can take down titans all day long because titans suck.

    And there is totally not anything in this community that actively resists any and all attempts beyond what is already in place to make larger ships less effective. Its totally something I made up in my little pea brain.

    There we go, all we all good now, champ?


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Why do you continue to try and meme some of the most anti-titan people in the community because they don't think your suggestion has any potential for new, interesting content


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    I'm sorry, you're 100% right. Big ships don't exist in Starmade because little ships are better. There is no advantage to being in a bigger ship than the other guy given equally well put together builds, and in fact a fighter can take down titans all day long because titans suck.

    And there is totally not anything in this community that actively resists any and all attempts beyond what is already in place to make larger ships less effective. Its totally something I made up in my little pea brain.

    There we go, all we all good now, champ?
    You're still strawmanning and that's honestly incredible.

    There is not anyone that has posted in either thread that wants to resist the end of giganticism. Every single post in that thread went there because your suggestion was bad. A repeatable use warhead is either going to be overpowered or useless, not to mention it's not creative and adds nothing exciting to the game. Giganticism will come to an end from economy, not artificial and retarded nerfs to satisfy you small ship circlejerkers. As someone that builds small ships exclusively, there is a large sect on the dock that wants small ships to be able to combat much larger ships on terms that should be blatantly favored towards the big ships.

    Faction combat in this game has not been parking titans next to eachother since 2014 and if you played PVP you'd know that. There is no shady, secret organization on this forum that exclusively seeks out and ruins people trying to move the status quo, tinfoil friend.


    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    I'm sorry, you're 100% right. Big ships don't exist in Starmade because little ships are better. There is no advantage to being in a bigger ship than the other guy given equally well put together builds, and in fact a fighter can take down titans all day long because titans suck.

    And there is totally not anything in this community that actively resists any and all attempts beyond what is already in place to make larger ships less effective. Its totally something I made up in my little pea brain.

    There we go, all we all good now, champ?
    For the love of god, why do you have some sort of obsession with trying to make small ships > big ships? It makes literally 0 sense! If someone puts the time and resources into a big ship, WHY SHOULDN'T IT BE MORE POWERFUL! WHY MUST A MAGICAL X-WING BE ABLE TO BLOW IT UP!

    If you want to use small ships, then you need to use them in fleets. A small ship alone will not be able to overcome a ship that is at least 3x it's mass (in most cases, at least :p) and it makes sense, it's logical, there is literally no reason why the small ship should be so much more powerful.

    [DOUBLEPOST=1455578446,1455578225][/DOUBLEPOST]Now for actual reply to suggestion, I actually kind of like this idea. Significant fire on shields reducing it's resistance could be interesting, as it starts the creation of weak spots, which will improve the tactical side of fleets any-day. Take a look at Fractured Space, if you put enough fire on a ship's side, then that side will be exposed, and more damage can be done to it. Coordinating other players based on this makes the battle much more interesting, and can add to the skill requirement.

    Doing such a thing could work as well, if armour repair systems ever become a thing.
    Jun 14, 2013
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    I'm just going to casually mention that the X-wings didn't do jack, as stated in the movie. It was someone setting off a hugeass bomb inside the thing.

    Name one time a single, lone fighter (Just one, no escort whatsoever.) killed a large ship anywhere in any decent sci-fi movie.

    Exactly, a single one would never be able to do this, thats why you need a swarm of ships attacking at the same spot so you can break through
    I never said it would be possible with just one ship

    This is not Ster Wers,Death star was an inside job
    Sst, the empire's NSA is keeping tabs on you :p

    No, its called satire.
    Dont worry man I had a good laugh about your sarcastic response :p
    For the love of god, why do you have some sort of obsession with trying to make small ships > big ships? It makes literally 0 sense! If someone puts the time and resources into a big ship, WHY SHOULDN'T IT BE MORE POWERFUL! WHY MUST A MAGICAL X-WING BE ABLE TO BLOW IT UP!

    If you want to use small ships, then you need to use them in fleets. A small ship alone will not be able to overcome a ship that is at least 3x it's mass (in most cases, at least :p) and it makes sense, it's logical, there is literally no reason why the small ship should be so much more powerful.

    [DOUBLEPOST=1455578446,1455578225][/DOUBLEPOST]Now for actual reply to suggestion, I actually kind of like this idea. Significant fire on shields reducing it's resistance could be interesting, as it starts the creation of weak spots, which will improve the tactical side of fleets any-day. Take a look at Fractured Space, if you put enough fire on a ship's side, then that side will be exposed, and more damage can be done to it. Coordinating other players based on this makes the battle much more interesting, and can add to the skill requirement.

    Doing such a thing could work as well, if armour repair systems ever become a thing.
    My idea was that you need fleets, one ship would be able to break through 200 shield blocks, unless he is going to be firing for hours at that one spot, however a fleet would be able to do it
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    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    No matter how many fighters you got you just cant penetrate the shield of a capital ship
    so here is an idea:

    what if we do something similar to how (spoiler alert) starkiller base got destroyed
    pretty much firing at the same spot, or around the same spot would weaken the shield at that spot
    a laser should have impact of around 10 blocks from where its hit, in other words if all fighters fire at the same spot for a few minutes (bomb runs) the shield would eventually collapse at that spot (when not fired at it will slowly regenerate (after 60 seconds of not being fired at) so I imagine 10-12 fighters dropping missiles there so they can eventually blast through the hull.

    Also some alarm sounds when shields are down would be cool
    I suggested a very similar idea in my megathread, Adding some excitement to combat - Small Ships - DOT Weapons - Hacking and more!

    You might like some of the other suggestions I made there too, if you'd like to leave some feedback. :)
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    Dec 17, 2014
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    No matter how many fighters you got you just cant penetrate the shield of a capital ship
    so here is an idea:
    Line up all of your weapons engineers against the nearest bulkhead and shoot them all in the head. Then burn all of their StarWars videos and hire some people who won't keep making weak ass ships.
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    Jul 15, 2014
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    How many ships were you thinking you would need on average to accomplish this? Does it scale exponentially with every other ship firing? Because between the difference between charge/capacity and no indication of how long this would take the 200 shield block number you gave doesn't really say anything. 200 shield blocks is also a very low amount for anything you might reasonably call a capital.

    I don't see anything benefit to this that we can't get with using Pulse/Ion slaved weaponry. That set up on cannons or beams rips through shields pretty good. If anything, this system you're proposing would make that set up completely overpowered if it were to have any impact at all.


    Aug 10, 2015
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    In order to have smaller ships be able to beat a capital ship you would need alot with the right armaments heres a list

    Rapid cannon (strafe the point defenses)
    Missile (use to destroy point defenses)
    Torpedos (going by world war 2 standards)
    And enough menuverabilty to dodge any point defenses in the way

    If enough with the right tactics are used even the mighty titan class capital ships will fall.

    My main source behind this is what happened to the ships that were considered unbeatable in world war 2 the bismark and the yamato which were killed by aircraft


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    My main source behind this is what happened to the ships that were considered unbeatable in world war 2 the bismark and the yamato which were killed by aircraft
    Fighters in space aren't like aircraft in WWII. Space fighters are like a guy in a rowboat with a pistol. The only thing that would confer any of the advantages that aircraft conferred in WWII is a heavily armed time machine
    Dec 28, 2014
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    it's more like a group of five year olds attacking a fully grown man. Sure he will be be able to take out quite a few but eventually the little rascals are gonna wear him down and then snap his shit up

    Anyone saying they can't beat cap ships just don't know how to build them properly, point blank.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    So what you're saying is a single five year old shouldn't be able to kill an elephant with his bare hands?


    Aug 10, 2015
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    Fighters in space aren't like aircraft in WWII. Space fighters are like a guy in a rowboat with a pistol. The only thing that would confer any of the advantages that aircraft conferred in WWII is a heavily armed time machine
    You entirely missed the point of the message in wwll there were 300 fighters attacking fleets with torpedoes and bombs the biggest advantage a dinky fighter has over a capital ship is speed and maneuverability a small fighter in no way should ever be able to slug it out with a capital unit destroyer class and above you would need numbers and good tactics

    My strategy would be pick the turrets off at a distance or have the fighters clear out the turrets for the light to heavy bombers to pound the shit out of the capital ship it wouldnt destroy but it would leave the enemy with a bloody nose


    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    My idea was that you need fleets, one ship would be able to break through 200 shield blocks, unless he is going to be firing for hours at that one spot, however a fleet would be able to do it
    The BOTTOM half of my post was directed to the OP. ;)
    Dec 8, 2015
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    Little ship vs. big ship.
    Which one was the winner in this little conflict?
    Big boat. But if those people in the small boat were carrying RPGs maybe the small boat

    Sidenote: Why are so many people being complete dicks to this guy rather than just explaining whatever you want to say in a friendly manner...?
    Feb 27, 2014
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    Big boat. But if those people in the small boat were carrying RPGs maybe the small boat

    Sidenote: Why are so many people being complete dicks to this guy rather than just explaining whatever you want to say in a friendly manner...?
    I completely agree. +1
    To the community, please post HELPFUL criticism or comments instead of insulting,bashing and putting down other people.
    This has not been the first time the SM community has been toxic and it is disgraceful. We all love this game, and want to help it go forward thus we should work together instead of hating on someone just because you dont like that idea. Their opinion has JUST as much value as yours, and if you want people to listen to your ideas you should listen to theirs.
    Its perfectly normal to disagree with others, but be civil and say WHY you dont like it in a helpful and friendly way.
    Dont just be one of those dicks who just says 'NO' or 'Your idea sucks, my opinion is soooo much better than yours'. (I really dislike those type of people, they know who they are. But they dont have to always be like that.....)


    Jul 27, 2014
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    I think we shouldn't worry about it at all until fleets and crews get fully implemented. It's something that can always be looked at in the future. As I think so often: first you need something to tweak, then you tweak it, as it's supposed to balance the game.

    Also... to be honest... I think fighters are OP in fights (not maintenance), at least if they are manned, even without any thought behind an attack, and I kind of like it since I prefer fighters anyway. That's why I love carriers, it's like a floating spider's nest in space.