Criss' Thread


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    Lecic. What are good weapon combos for a bomber? I am unsure everyone here has seen the one I have but it is the same size as the fighter pretty much. Any particular ratios?
    I would think a bomber would probably use missile/beam/pierce, split up among maybe 3 or 4 computers (to save on the power multiplier). The missiles should be as big as you can fit in the shell while still having shields, ion, and the power to support the missiles.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
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    It doesn't really look like a fighter in anyway :/

    Looks slow and lumbering rather than fast and agile. More cargo ship-y than anything
    Dec 28, 2014
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    just consider it heavy fighter and call it a day. it looks kind of big to me but to a lot of people its pretty small
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    Maiden of crashes
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    Looks like a decent heavy fighter or large projectile to me :)


    Aug 11, 2013
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    Looks good to me.

    Let a guy call his ships whatever he wants.
    Jul 15, 2014
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    Everyone has a different idea of what a "fighter" is in Starmade and how big they should be. That's hardly an unusual size, and isn't nearly big enough for its turning speed to become an issue.
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    -=[Mr Mell0w]=-
    Jul 1, 2013
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    That ship should have PD on it. It makes sense that the trade guild would go for a cheaper option of protection against missiles than shield tanking.
    Would have thought that the TG would be kind of well armoured and tanky because they have the money (they are a business after all) and the pirates would be more agile hit-and-run, with lower shields and defense but higher offense.


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    Yeah I wouldn't call this a fighter. My personal eve fighters are the size of a realistic space fighter and yet that's only half the size of the ones we saw in Dalmonts competition and those ones were about half the size of the one here. I don't think there are any other good names that fit the description. Gunboat came up once. Are gunboats normally more offensive? The fighter has only two cannons.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    "Gunboat" to me implies it's either meant for taking out large amounts of soft targets, or it's using the Freelancer definition of Gunboat (which is a small Destroyer coated in turrets, optimized for anti-fighter and anti-bomber ops).

    Reilly Reese

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    Yeah I wouldn't call this a fighter. My personal eve fighters are the size of a realistic space fighter and yet that's only half the size of the ones we saw in Dalmonts competition and those ones were about half the size of the one here. I don't think there are any other good names that fit the description. Gunboat came up once. Are gunboats normally more offensive? The fighter has only two cannons.
    Gunboats are offensive/support craft for bigger ships usually. The LAAT from Star Wars classifies as a Gunship which is similar although usually smaller than gunboats.
    Jul 15, 2014
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    Size and purpose wise corvette would be appropriate. They're in that kind of size range and historically were used as escorts or patrols. Though fighter still works in my opinion, since from the looks of it the ship only uses fixed forward weaponry, and its method of engaging a target would be the same as any smaller fighter in Starmade. Fighter-Corvette maybe?


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    I like the sound of gunship! The issue with fighters is I feel you need a number of them to take down similar targets. Probably not as true anymore. I feel like the scavs will make use of small fighters more than the TG will. I will explore those options.

    On a side note here is this weeks reveal! Today I am showing off the TG salvager. This vessel is one of the more unique ships in the lineup. It features an asymmetrical more organic shape than the rest of their lineup which works well to show it's unusual purpose as a Trading Guild ship. The TG primarily focus on trading for resources, and as such they do not have well developed salvaging and mining technology.

    The ship comes with a living quarters for one crew. Normally the Trading Guild does not spend enough time in space with such small craft but it is almost a necessity. The Salvage array utilizes an inefficient Pulse secondary system, and this extends operation time.

    The ship comes with no armaments. It's primary defense is the Ion effect system installed to support its shields. A fairly decent scanning system and a slightly larger than average jump drive are also installed. Cargo for the salvage array can be accessed on the underside of the vessel.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Yeah I wouldn't call this a fighter. My personal eve fighters are the size of a realistic space fighter and yet that's only half the size of the ones we saw in Dalmonts competition and those ones were about half the size of the one here. I don't think there are any other good names that fit the description. Gunboat came up once. Are gunboats normally more offensive? The fighter has only two cannons.

    Edit: Guess I should catch up before replying
    Feb 22, 2015
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    Yeah, I was leaning towards gunship myself.

    As for the new salvager, can we get a shot of that thing in action firing the array? Stats?

    BTW, I love watching this thread.
    It gives me so many idea for creative ship building and utilizing blocks in unconventional (to me) ways.
    Keep up the amazing work.


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    Feb 17, 2015
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    Hey there! Super late post this week. It seems to get worse and worse each week.

    Anyway, I have a new ship to show you all! A few of you may have already seen this on the livestream we did over the weekend. This here is the Trading Guild's fighter. It might be larger than your average fighter. I am not sure there is a proper classification for it. Some even called it a gunboat. Either way this is a one man combat vehicle intended to escort the small freighter.

    The ships come with the bare minimum for crew - which boils down to a pilots seat. Since these fighters are escorting small freighters, they do not go too long without docking at the next station.

    Right so now that we have seen it, how does it perform? A lot of you have shown concern over Schine's skills with making good ships. There is certainly a science to it. I have learned a bit while making this fighter from viewers on the stream. I think I managed to nail down some capable systems on this ship. The TG will be known for utilizing some hard hitting cannons. Using pulse as a secondary was a terrible idea for the fighter so we settled for a cannon with punch through effect. It manages to take out another fighter fairly well. Facing off against accurate enemies using the same blueprint actually proved difficult, which is what I was looking for.

    Below will be some stats for the fighter. Leave your feedback of course. If your comments are not actually constructive they WILL be removed.

    Another thing of note was a change in design philosophy for the TG. As we fleshed out some stuff for the Outcasts we realized that the TG should have more defenses on their side. You guys had some valuable input as well.

    - The Scavenger pirates will be focusing on armor, as it is easy to salvage off dead ships (including armor effects). They will also use missiles quite a lot, as cheap explosives fit their style. Warheads too maybe. Minefields. Now that is interesting.

    - The Outcasts are a very neutral race. They are peaceful, but protective. As such we wanted them to stand between the Scavs and TG. They rely on salvaging and exploring in order to accumulate resources. Their ships use either shield tanking or armor tanking from ship to ship. They also utilize fixed weapons and turrets equally.

    - This leaves the Trading Guild. Before I said they didn't have much in terms of defenses as their fleets were nigh expendable. I've come to the conclusion that the TG would more likely utilize preventative measures more so than the other two. AMS turrets will be commonplace across the TG fleet. They will also use extensive jump drive technology and shield tanking. Some ships will even have Ion effect installed.

    That's about it for this week. We will be seeing some new TG ships over the next few weeks before we move onto Outcasts assets!
    Sorry just catching up to see what I missed, scrolling through everything to look at the pictures, and I have to say I really like the look of the fighter!
    Its just, the cockpit isn't a... fighter cockpit. (Which if this is a theme of the TG then that is perfectly fine, its just if other ships have higher visibility cockpits than the fighter it would be weird.)

    I also had something similar when I was constructing a ship that I knew would be larger than the typical fighter but still wanted it to feel like one somewhat aesthetically. My original design of a "keyhole" type cockpit at the front to represent that the fighter controls were protected and embedded and that it used, say, cameras to get a full 360 degree view was a good plan in theory... But didn't seem like it fit with the rest of the idea. I kept a save of the thing to maybe use as a drone version, but it, while unique, would not work well for the manned versions and just didn't click with me.
    I eventually decided to forgo the keyhole look, along with any chance to have a superbeam output cluster out of the front for lols, and decided to try my hand at a more traditional cockpit design.

    By just taking some inspiration from some WW2 planes and bombers, I think I was able to successfully pull off a convincing fighter look simply by adding "enough" glass above and around the pilot seat to where it enveloped it and created a high visibility environment.

    When you get close like these pictures you can see that it is actually quite large, and has seating for 2-3 people, with walking space in the below deck, but when viewed from afar the details just kinda merge together and gives it a fighter style look, even if it is actually quite large compared to other ships out there.

    What I am trying to say is, I think the fighter would benefit from more glass above the pilot seat.
    I posted pictures (specifically the third one) where I think the TG ship would look good if it had more of a visibility setup like that one (but down-scaled of course).
    500 mass is not "big" for a fighter, maybe for one that is atmospheric and Dave scaled and fights land vehicles on planet plates, but not for the vacuum of space :P
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    I thought we accepted that it wasn't a fighter at this point? The only reason I or Saber referred to it as a fighter was because we hadn't built it yet. The name stuck and that was it's designation in the catalog. I'm sticking with gunship. The TG will be utilizing unmanned fighter drones that I have already completed instead, and we will see more legit fighter sized vessels from the Scavengers.
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    Feb 17, 2015
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    I thought we accepted that it wasn't a fighter at this point? The only reason I or Saber referred to it as a fighter was because we hadn't built it yet. The name stuck and that was it's designation in the catalog. I'm sticking with gunship. The TG will be utilizing unmanned fighter drones that I have already completed instead, and we will see more legit fighter sized vessels from the Scavengers.
    hmm, maybe I shouldn't of just skipped around to look at images. Whoops.
    Jul 15, 2014
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    I thought we accepted that it wasn't a fighter at this point? The only reason I or Saber referred to it as a fighter was because we hadn't built it yet. The name stuck and that was it's designation in the catalog. I'm sticking with gunship. The TG will be utilizing unmanned fighter drones that I have already completed instead, and we will see more legit fighter sized vessels from the Scavengers.
    Any chance of a mini-drone carrier from the TG? I've been messing around with some of the enemy detection logic and you can get automated drone carriers to work fairly well.