While playing around with all the different missiles i can create using the block behavior I've determined I don't have enough missiles! Using the already available variables you can make bombs, mines and different kinds of splitting and tracking missiles.
We can create so many different types of missiles but we only have 4 combos to do so!
I propose that the old missiles be reintroduced as master systems only so we can fill in the gaps.
Here are some examples:
BBs can be re-purposes into a whole line of tracking missiles
KBs can be turned into a whole bunch of different kind of bombs or mines. (Slow moving, high damage missiles)
So a break down of all the missiles.
Missile = works like it does now
Missile + AMC = short range, large radius
Missile + Missile = non tracking swarm
Missile + beam = long range, small radius
Missile + pulse = long range, slow travel time, large radius
BB = tracking version of the regular missile
BB + AMC = quick fire, low damage, quick reload
BB + Missile = auto tracking swarm missile ( like the missile + missile combo now)
BB + Beam = Long range, small radius, high damage
BB + pulse = Long range, slow moving high damage tracking nuke
KB (bombs) = in general very slow with limited range. Can also double as mines due to slow movement. Would have to be dropped by fighter onto larger ships. A little slower then the old missile speed. Would all have very long reload times and have high damage compared to everything else.
KB + AMC = auto tracking bomb, slow, high radius
KB + Missile = cluster bomb. Splits, large radius, slow.
KB + Beam = auto tracking bomb. Moves very slow. Small radius
KB + pulse = Nuke. Very limited range and movement speed. Extremely high damage and radius.
Again, with all the current ways to mod missiles, all the combos are already possible! We just need to extra space on the config sheet to do so =D
We can create so many different types of missiles but we only have 4 combos to do so!
I propose that the old missiles be reintroduced as master systems only so we can fill in the gaps.
Here are some examples:
BBs can be re-purposes into a whole line of tracking missiles
KBs can be turned into a whole bunch of different kind of bombs or mines. (Slow moving, high damage missiles)
So a break down of all the missiles.
Missile = works like it does now
Missile + AMC = short range, large radius
Missile + Missile = non tracking swarm
Missile + beam = long range, small radius
Missile + pulse = long range, slow travel time, large radius
BB = tracking version of the regular missile
BB + AMC = quick fire, low damage, quick reload
BB + Missile = auto tracking swarm missile ( like the missile + missile combo now)
BB + Beam = Long range, small radius, high damage
BB + pulse = Long range, slow moving high damage tracking nuke
KB (bombs) = in general very slow with limited range. Can also double as mines due to slow movement. Would have to be dropped by fighter onto larger ships. A little slower then the old missile speed. Would all have very long reload times and have high damage compared to everything else.
KB + AMC = auto tracking bomb, slow, high radius
KB + Missile = cluster bomb. Splits, large radius, slow.
KB + Beam = auto tracking bomb. Moves very slow. Small radius
KB + pulse = Nuke. Very limited range and movement speed. Extremely high damage and radius.
Again, with all the current ways to mod missiles, all the combos are already possible! We just need to extra space on the config sheet to do so =D