Nova Fleet Dynamics - Building a better future today! (Nest of Orion faction)


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    I have to say but forgive me, you have to get members that are above 6 years old. Lmao
    lolnope I built that. Saw the skid racing thing, thought I'd make something that would distract everyone else while I race to victory on my trusty space llama steed.
    Nov 15, 2013
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    There is a difference between coming on a server because one went down and coming on a server just to attack and mess with a faction. By all means come on SS and start stuff, but don't complain about a war when you came on the server to start it. I am speaking directly to FD. If you want war, it can easily be obtained. Thadius are you in NFD now?
    Eh hem who started the war? Don't answer we all know that. (What's this with thadius being in nfd? where did that assumption come from?)
    He doesnt, your stupid if you think like that.
    Please don't offend members on our thread, it's bad for popularity and not productive.
    Many of us want war, I don't want to deal with the bullshit that comes with FD, and from NFD they don't want to deal with the bullshit of BH lmao.
    No comment.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    A fine day for the NFD!

    We started off the day by re-stealing a Rockhopper that was stolen from us the night before, and docking it snugly back at the base with the others in the brand new, specially designed docking apparatus.

    After securing the Rockhopper, a number of NFD members got together and installed sixteen NFD Centurion class anticapital turrets all along the platforms Creeper__God had set up the night before.

    After that, we took a trip to spawn, to show off the new color scheme of our fleet to the locals.

    While we were at spawn, we casually filled up the blueprint to the new and improved NFD Munich class destroyer. By local standards, it is a titan.

    A few minutes later, the perpetrator of the stolen Rockhopper came online. Within ten seconds, a pair of NFD warships were bearing down on his location. He, in astronaut mode, no longer in the firm protection of an NFD warship, cowered behind a shop as the anti fighter turrets of the new Munich rained lasers down upon him. He attempted to flee using a !tp command, but was quickly apprehended by the NFD, and was killed by the missiles from an NFD Hoplite class anticapital turret that was docked to the new Munich.

    Afterwards, we handed out blueprints to the locals, free of charge. To end the day, we assisted a new player who had accidentally built his ship sideways, fixing the orientation as well as seeing him off with a gift of a few thousand useful system blocks.

    All in all, it was a good, productive day at the new NFD base of operations, Corinth Base.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    A fine day for the NFD!

    We started off the day by re-stealing a Rockhopper that was stolen from us the night before, and docking it snugly back at the base with the others in the brand new, specially designed docking apparatus.

    After securing the Rockhopper, a number of NFD members got together and installed sixteen NFD Centurion class anticapital turrets all along the platforms Creeper__God had set up the night before.

    After that, we took a trip to spawn, to show off the new color scheme of our fleet to the locals.

    While we were at spawn, we casually filled up the blueprint to the new and improved NFD Munich class destroyer. By local standards, it is a titan.

    A few minutes later, the perpetrator of the stolen Rockhopper came online. Within ten seconds, a pair of NFD warships were bearing down on his location. He, in astronaut mode, no longer in the firm protection of an NFD warship, cowered behind a shop as the anti fighter turrets of the new Munich rained lasers down upon him. He attempted to flee using a !tp command, but was quickly apprehended by the NFD, and was killed by the missiles from an NFD Hoplite class anticapital turret that was docked to the new Munich.

    Afterwards, we handed out blueprints to the locals, free of charge. To end the day, we assisted a new player who had accidentally built his ship sideways, fixing the orientation as well as seeing him off with a gift of a few thousand useful system blocks.

    All in all, it was a good, productive day at the new NFD base of operations, Corinth Base.
    Last edited:
    Jun 23, 2013
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    A fine day for the NFD!

    We started off the day by re-stealing a Rockhopper that was stolen from us the night before, and docking it snugly back at the base with the others in the brand new, specially designed docking apparatus.

    After securing the Rockhopper, a number of NFD members got together and installed sixteen NFD Centurion class anticapital turrets all along the platforms Creeper__God had set up the night before.

    After that, we took a trip to spawn, to show off the new color scheme of our fleet to the locals.

    While we were at spawn, we casually filled up the blueprint to the new and improved NFD Munich class destroyer. By local standards, it is a titan.

    A few minutes later, the perpetrator of the stolen Rockhopper came online. Within ten seconds, a pair of NFD warships were bearing down on his location. He, in astronaut mode, no longer in the firm protection of an NFD warship, cowered behind a shop as the anti fighter turrets of the new Munich rained lasers down upon him. He attempted to flee using a !tp command, but was quickly apprehended by the NFD, and was killed by the missiles from an NFD Hoplite class anticapital turret that was docked to the new Munich.

    Afterwards, we handed out blueprints to the locals, free of charge. To end the day, we assisted a new player who had accidentally built his ship sideways, fixing the orientation as well as seeing him off with a gift of a few thousand useful system blocks.

    All in all, it was a good, productive day at the new NFD base of operations, Corinth Base.
    It's nice to see some NFD action, happy victories to you.
    Jul 24, 2013
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    To end the day, we assisted a new player who had accidentally built his ship sideways, fixing the orientation as well as seeing him off with a gift of a few thousand useful system blocks.
    I might add that we also later recruited him to the faction :)

    I also installed the main power systems on the base. We now have 12mil e/s with a 254mil cap. This energy will go to powering the stations factory and the Centurion turrets.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    A fine day for the thief who managed to steal a rockhopper and kill a bunch of dfn members!
    Wow, he managed to travel back in time and kill DFN members? That's impressive.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    Hate to be a bother but...
    You said you were going to make me a little poster thing a while ago and I haven't heard back on that.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    A fine day for the NFD!

    We started off the day by re-stealing a Rockhopper that was stolen from us the night before, and docking it snugly back at the base with the others in the brand new, specially designed docking apparatus.

    After securing the Rockhopper, a number of NFD members got together and installed sixteen NFD Centurion class anticapital turrets all along the platforms Creeper__God had set up the night before.

    After that, we took a trip to spawn, to show off the new color scheme of our fleet to the locals.

    While we were at spawn, we casually filled up the blueprint to the new and improved NFD Munich class destroyer. By local standards, it is a titan.

    A few minutes later, the perpetrator of the stolen Rockhopper came online. Within ten seconds, a pair of NFD warships were bearing down on his location. He, in astronaut mode, no longer in the firm protection of an NFD warship, cowered behind a shop as the anti fighter turrets of the new Munich rained lasers down upon him. He attempted to flee using a !tp command, but was quickly apprehended by the NFD, and was killed by the missiles from an NFD Hoplite class anticapital turret that was docked to the new Munich.

    Afterwards, we handed out blueprints to the locals, free of charge. To end the day, we assisted a new player who had accidentally built his ship sideways, fixing the orientation as well as seeing him off with a gift of a few thousand useful system blocks.

    All in all, it was a good, productive day at the new NFD base of operations, Corinth Base.
    just wondering, has the nfd build server become a survival server?