How can the player council vote out a part of their popular vote?

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    Aug 5, 2013
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    gravypod should have the record in his twitch account.
    But I suggest you join the next starside podcast and explain everything to the public:p

    Or just admit NuclearFun runs the Shadow council and force you hacked jaths twitch stream with brainwave control !!!
    Mar 2, 2015
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    I'm new to the community, so I have no history with anyone. All I know about this issue is from how people have presented themselves after the fact. From what I have seen, the correct decision was made, and the community will be better for it.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    If the council hates Tomino so much, he probably should not expose himself to such a mental-poisoning environment.
    What's the point in staying in a council where collectively nobody helps you gaining information?

    If one breaks the law, you punish him.
    If the whole population break the law and you want to make an example, who do you punish?
    There are just 2 easy options:
    1. Punish nobody.
    2. Punish the worst (Warning, sometimes highly subjective!).

    And the first option leads to corruption, so you choose the second.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
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    Of course, when we get right down to it, the whole thing is nothing but a popularity contest and means about as much as who got crowned Prom Queen in high school.


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    Of course, when we get right down to it, the whole thing is nothing but a popularity contest and means about as much as who got crowned Prom Queen in high school.
    The council is just there to filter, compress and relay suggestions to schine so that the devs don't have to waste their time going through bad suggestions (90% of suggestions).

    So you're right, being on the council just means you're doing work for schema, and holds no power over the community or schine (despite what some think). That's why Tomino's reaction is completely out of proportions.


    Jun 20, 2013
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    You remember that time when the yogscast told Mojang that Minecraft was only popular because of them? Well I feel this will be a similar situation as I see the mushroom fleet as the yogscast for StarMade. And thats not a complement.
    Except Yogscast is actually funny. Well, most of the time.
    The live stream by jath where wedtm said a bunch of things. Found that on his twitter. Isn't nice stuff said there.

    If not point me the correct direction please.
    Also, sorry for that meme thing I did at the start of the thread.
    Feb 7, 2015
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    I've looked into this issue and at the risk of being irrationally despised, I'm going to say a few words in Tomino_Sama's defense.

    Choose one.

    Look, I'm relatively new here. The more prominent members of the community are the only ones that I recognize so far and that includes Tomino_Sama. This will change over time as I get to know you more. A few of you have already made a very bad first impression on me because you couldn't act civil when I tried to ask the man a freaking question a while back.

    I don't adore Tomino-Sama but he did play a role in getting me and dozens of others interested in this wonderful game and I respect him for that. Don't you think this is all just a little bit unfair? That maybe he didn't deserve half the ire that's been directed at him? That maybe nobody gets along with him because they refuse to even try?

    Did he overreact to this whole scenario and raise a hellstorm over it? Yes. But if I were in his position, you could be damn sure I would be doing the same thing. It is my unbiased opinion that this whole issue was grossly mismanaged by the council and by Schine. You kids need to learn a little diplomacy before you just toss the unpopular student out the classroom window.

    Maybe Tomino_Sama wasn't cut out for the council, there were plenty of mutual misunderstandings, the hours didn't work for him and it's primarily operated here on the Starmade Dock, a place he rarely visits to begin with.

    But why do you think that is?

    Because this site is generally hostile to him maybe?

    Ok that's an overgeneralization but you can't all pretend you've never trolled, insulted or slandered the man with no provocation. I've seen it happen with my own two eyes. He gets riled up because (some of) you people go out of your way to rile him up, as if trolling him is a rite of passage or something. You know who you are.

    And now that he feels he's been kicked in the nuts by these people and Schine, all his pent up negative feelings towards this community are coming to the surface. And you know what? you all deserve it. I have a saying I made up, it goes like this, "Treat a person like a jerk and sooner or later, they'll become one". I think you've created a real monster here. Good job.

    Here's something for you to swallow, wiseguy. I didn't think Tomino_Sama belonged in the council either. If I had any influence over him, I would have advised him not to run in the election.

    But I don't, I have zero affiliation with Mushroom Fleet, I am not a member of their fan community, nor am I whitelisted on their server. I didn't vote for Tomino_Sama in the council election, or anyone else for that matter. I decided to hang back and see how the first term went before throwing my support behind anyone. This whole thing has pretty much guaranteed that now I never will.

    I've got no stake in this, nothing to lose and even less to gain. I'm not white knighting here, there's no white left in this crapstorm on either side of the fence. I'm doing this because when something is wrong, it's wrong. And boy, have I witnessed a lot of wrong.

    I don't know or care what Tomino_Sama has said or done to anyone else here in the past. Sorry if he stole your wife and poisoned your water supply, but I've had no negative experiences with him whatsoever. As a matter of fact I was never even given an opportunity to form a negative opinion. Every time he was around, he was chased out of here by flamers and that was all the evidence I ever needed to see. Unlike some mindless social chameleons here, I didn't jump on that bandwagon. The behavior of his detractors didn't lower my opinion of him, it lowered my opinion of the community.

    Had he ever been left alone, I would have been able to make a reasonable judgment call on whether or not his negative reputation was deserved. Now I will never have that opportunity. I am forced to discard all past and future evidence presented against him by this community, I can never assume that there won't be some sort of bias. And you will never, ever convince me in even a billion, trillion years that he was as bad as everyone seems to think. Unfit for the council maybe, but that's all I'll say.

    This is conjecture, but I think that with just a little damn tact, he could have easily been convinced to leave the position of his own free will with no subsequent drama. From what I've heard, he was frustrated with the council to begin with. But since nobody can bother to talk to him civilly, the council acted as they did. The right decision was made, it was executed the wrong way.

    I've had some of these thoughts written down since February, I've shared my concerns with the admins before the council was even a thing. Now that I've finally said my piece, I don't ever want to say or hear anything about it ever again. To avoid the vitriol tipped cruise missile that is undoubtedly on its way here. I'm going to (once again) log off for a few weeks. Maybe even a month.

    I am very disappointed.
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    Dec 31, 2013
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    "Treat a person like a jerk and sooner or later, they'll become one". I think you've created a real monster here. Good job.
    That's what I meant by poisoning atmosphere. I have to agree here.

    The biggest mistake you can make, is to not explore the reasons behind behaviour of humans around you -- and the internet is not a good place for it.

    Perhaps StarMade should replace the background of this site, add orange (I heard it helps against depression) and put a little bit of smile on it.
    It's all so dark and don't you think it influences you while writing?
    Aug 5, 2013
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    That's what I meant by poisoning atmosphere. I have to agree here.

    The biggest mistake you can make, is to not explore the reasons behind behaviour of humans around you -- and the internet is not a good place for it.

    Perhaps StarMade should replace the background of this site, add orange (I heard it helps against depression) and put a little bit of smile on it.
    It's all so dark and don't you think it influences you while writing?
    i like orange color forum, sounds cool, you should put a suggestion on this issue
    Jul 15, 2013
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    In the spoiler is my criticism of a before post, if you would like to see my overall ultimate opinion, feel free to skip the spoiler.

    Don't you think this is all just a little bit unfair?
    unfair to whom? Tomato? No. To the community, possibly.

    That maybe he didn't deserve half the ire that's been directed at him? That maybe nobody gets along with him because they refuse to even try?
    for a long time and throughout the majority of this game's existence, he and his fans dominated the community here. So I wouldn't doubt that plenty of people have tried plenty enough to try to get along with him.

    Did he overreact to this whole scenario and raise a hellstorm over it? Yes.

    It is my unbiased opinion that this whole issue was grossly mismanaged by the council and by Schine. You kids need to learn a little diplomacy before you just toss the unpopular student out the classroom window.
    I somewhat agree with you. Its seemed a bit off to suddenly hear of his departure from the council. But toss the unpopular student? He got voted in, so he had some popularity. The problem is that his popularity isn't from THIS community. Its from his little rag tag group that doesn't actually participate with THIS community. Chances are the people who actually voted for him didn't even hear about the council from here, probably didn't even know what the council was. They just heard from their 'glorious leader' that he was running for some fun council thing here and all flocked just to vote for him.

    Maybe Tomino_Sama wasn't cut out for the council, there were plenty of mutual misunderstandings, the hours didn't work for him and it's primarily operated here on the Starmade Dock, a place he rarely visits to begin with.

    Ok that's an overgeneralization

    He gets riled up because (some of) you people go out of your way to rile him up, as if trolling him is a rite of passage or something. You know who you are.
    Define Trolling, then define Criticism. There is a distinct difference. This reminds me of the type of people on the internet who read criticism, decide they don't agree, then call it trolling or harassment. But I wouldn't doubt that trolling did happen, when you are a well known person on the internet of all places, trolling will happen. But in most cases of actual trolling that has happened here has been subdued by mods.

    "Treat a person like a jerk and sooner or later, they'll become one". I think you've created a real monster here. Good job.
    I think the monster came before the egg in this one.

    Here's something for you to swallow, wiseguy. I didn't think Tomino_Sama belonged in the council either. If I had any influence over him, I would have advised him not to run in the election
    Good. Correct.

    This whole thing has pretty much guaranteed that now I never will.
    "I didn't vote and I never will but I will complain about the result despite my lack of participation"

    I've got no stake in this, nothing to lose and even less to gain. I'm not white knighting here, there's no white left in this crapstorm on either side of the fence. I'm doing this because when something is wrong, it's wrong. And boy, have I witnessed a lot of wrong.
    "I've seen things, but I really don't care cause it doesn't effect me and me saying something wont change anything but I just keep saying that I've seen things."

    don't know or care what Tomino_Sama has said or done to anyone else here in the past. Sorry if he stole your wife and poisoned your water supply, but I've had no negative experiences with him whatsoever.
    "There was snow on the ground today, global warming doesn't exist."

    Unlike some mindless social chameleons here, I didn't jump on that bandwagon
    "I have a different opinion, that makes me cool and socially superior."

    The behavior of his detractors didn't lower my opinion of him, it lowered my opinion of the community.
    "I didn't see part A happen, so part B makes me thing that part A didn't happen the way part B says it does."

    Had he ever been left alone,
    There would be a new thread everyday of some "crazy, wild", drug themed adventure he went on that anyone would have seen if they were subscribed to him on youtube. And then when someone says that what he did wasn't all that crazy or wild as advertised that person would have been called a troll and then a massive shit storm would have happened. So there's that.

    I can never assume that there won't be some sort of bias.
    Well the bias use to heavily swing in his favor so i'm liking this new established "bias".

    And you will never, ever convince me in even a billion, trillion years that he was as bad as everyone seems to think. Unfit for the council maybe, but that's all I'll say.
    But I haven't heard that much about him, specifically here. Maybe the small reference here and there but not really here. I haven't heard about him since his last major post here. Until now of coarse, but I don't think this thread was started to be about him, it was about what level of power the council has within this community. He was just used as an example. Whats most interesting is that according to your profile, you've only been here since February of this year. Have people been talking about him a lot since February? cause by then I thought his fame has well ran its course in this community by then. Cause I truly haven't seen much talk about him, if there is, I surely missed it.

    Edit: so the original topic was kinda about him. But I feel that we should focus on the power of the council. Most of everyone agreed that he wasn't fit and now hes gone. So we got the end result that was most favored. But the method is what should be looked at.

    This is conjecture, but I think that with just a little damn tact, he could have easily been convinced to leave the position of his own free will with no subsequent drama. From what I've heard, he was frustrated with the council to begin with. But since nobody can bother to talk to him civilly, the council acted as they did. The right decision was made, it was executed the wrong way.
    Ultimately I do agree with this tho. I do honestly agree with maybe 60% percent of what your intention is here. So don't get me wrong. I feel like there was a few major steps missed in this process, and there is some wrong that may have happened. This is the first time this issue has happened in a brand new council, so faults maybe should have been expected. We should use this to shape how we want the council to be and what to expect in the future from the council.
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    Nov 10, 2013
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    Did you know I've seen him get riled over nothing? Legit he got mad once in chat because people were trying to ignore him after things started to go a little sour.

    I've seen a couple threads of his get cleaned, and when you look at where it was cut, half the time it started with Tomato. He'd respond to someone in such a way that when a thread is sent to be cleaned, his post would be removed, but not the one he's replying to. And this isn't 'recent', this is since new site. Sadly like 90% of everything he does is deleted, threads and posts, so I cant even dig up proofs.

    Honestly, Tom wasn't all that bad on the last site, it's since this site that everyone went to shit with MF. Once of the earliest causes I can think of might be his "opinion" on other server owners (I'll give you a hint, it was upright insulting and without an provocation). No idea where that post is, but Rimmer has a screenshot of it.

    Another case I can think of is when Tomato and a few admins came flying into chat a long time ago and started shitting on Redshift. Screaming something about rigged bots and paid resets (Had something to do with server rating), I dunno. In the end he left and everyone was left really confused.

    But yeah, we have reasons for not liking him. Some people had their work shit on in TS, some received a condescending 'lecture', and some were added to his "troll" list for merely asking questions. The amount of people who hate because others hate is amazing small (Most of the neutrals stay neutral, SM does not have many pushovers).
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    Aug 30, 2013
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    I think the biggest problem with the council is that there is nothing tangible gained by the community, this is probably a large source of friction between the players and the council that I've noticed

    Council members should be able to place dev tags, and write news. A Q/A session would great.
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    Social Media Director
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    I think the biggest problem with the council is that there is nothing tangible gained by the community, this is probably a large source of friction between the players and the council that I've noticed

    Council members should be able to place dev tags, and write news. A Q/A session would great.
    They have been given the ability to place dev tags. Q&A's are present on the reddit and likely other places.


    1200° Plasma
    Sep 23, 2012
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    Another quick reminder to keep things civil. No one has done anything wrong here in the last several posts, but it already has been proven that these events have sparked some nastiness...
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