Washtenaw Heavy Skirmisher -Public Release-

    Washtenaw Heavy Skirmisher -Public Release- Current Version 1/19/2016

    This ship, is dope. 5 / 5 would fly again.
    That means a lot coming from you dude! :D

    I have a half finished interior version with no systems and just rooms, slightly inspired from the SW:Rebels 'Ghost' that I should probably finish up eventually... now what sector did I leave that in? :/
    Is it ok if i retexture its armor to make it look like a Kytech ship?(I like the Kytech style is all)
    Of course, as long as you show me pictures of your work! :D
    Go for it!
    This ship has everything you'd need in a fighter. Its very good for its size.
    It's a bit bigger than the typical fighter, but it still preforms like one with the maneuverability and close range front facing guns hence the "strike craft" role it has been given. :)
    Thank you for the kind words :D
    It took about 20 minutes for my shields to go down 30% vs. 5 enemy fighters, and a pirate station. Very nice ship
    It is designed to be a Murdererizer. Fly it like an A-10, it has the cannons and the armor to fulfill the heavy hitter role. It should be able to have the armor bar to shrug off a few seconds of Titan fire (thanks for the field test Comr4de!), and the shields are crap for a ship of its size (because space needed to be made for internal armor, and lots was already filled with guns).

    How was the suitability of the ship down to the 50% systems mark? Both the defensive effects for the armor should keep you alive far longer than your shields.

    Really it is not fair to test anything against the default starmade pirates or stations, because they are of suck. :P

    Maybe I should release an AI drone/pirate version for people who want harder pirates... hmmm...
    its good exterior was meh but liked the interior
    ... but I don't have an interior?

    What did you think of the guns, the weapons, and the survivability when under fire? How long could you fight until your systems dropped below 50%?