Von Neumann Probe

    Von Neumann Probe Rev 1

    RP Introduction:

    The alien and inscrutable Von Neumann Probes have been a scourge of the galaxy for decades. Glossy black pyramids, glowing with an eerie purple light, jumping randomly from system to system; never stopping; never communicating; attacking any and every vessel they encounter to harvest them for raw materials and them manufacturing duplicates of themselves. Entire colonies have disappeared, harvested by these deadly, robotic probes. Nothing less than a full military cruiser can stand against one.
    So, when a one of these probes ambushed the mining vessel Cal Jurgen deep within a remote asteroid cluster, the crew knew they were doomed. Coincidentally, the crew also happened to be quite drunk at the time. Which they also knew.
    So, when the captain yelled, "What the hell, we're f***'d anyway! Let's attack the damned thing!!!", that's exactly what they did.
    And so, while the alien death machine was busy disintegrating the Cal Jurgen, the crew of drunken roughnecks flew/landed/crashed their shuttle on the outside of the probe. They then used a very illegally modified handheld mining laser to burn through the hull and enter the aline vessel. Shockingly, the drunks managed to reach the alien ship's AI core room and, in a bout of alcohol induced genius, managed to jury rig a pair of seismic pulse scanners into a continuous feedback loop to generate a localized high powered EMP field around the AI Core, disabling the alien AI!
    Now, with their own ship mostly disintegrated, the former crew of the Cal Jurgen have no choice but to take their newly acquired unstoppable alien death machine on a drunken joyride across the sector!

    Non-RP Introduction:
    So, this ship started out as an experiment in trilateral symmetry, which was a complete failure, but ended up turning into a replica of the Von Neumann Probes from the game Sword of the Stars.
    The exterior is fully finished. There's not much detail to it, but in this case I think that is a plus; it adds to the intimidating alien mysteriousness of the vessel.

    The systems and interior are partially finished.
    For systems, its got plenty of power and shields, and is equipped with the same weapons that it would have in Sword of the Stars: beams from the peaks and torpedoes from the midsection. The weapons fit the RP but are powerful enough to actually be useful.
    Probably one third of the internal volume for systems has been left empty for you to add whatever else you prefer.
    The four free-floating purple crystals are PD turrets.
    For the interior, the entrance is at the back of the midsection. There is a fully finished entry corridor leading to the (very cool looking, if I do say so myself) AI Core Room, with lots of eerie purple lighting, and the very obviously out of place device to "disable" the AI Core.
    The rest of the interior is just two decks of open, empty space for now. You can fit it out as you see fit. I'm mostly saving that space for adding in NPC crew areas when that becomes a thing.



    So that's my Von Neumann probe. Go take it for a drunken joyride of your very own and let me know what you think!
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