TRV Hyperion-class Corvette

    TRV Hyperion-class Corvette V3.0 Remodel

    The Hyperion has been remodelled from the ground up (AGAIN) to serve as the new premier light corvette of Trident Foundries.

    MASS (w/rail) - 962.8
    L/H/W - 70m/15m/25m
    POWER CAPACITY - 289,450.7
    POWER REGEN - 169,108 e/sec
    THRUST - 1,361.6 (1.4:1 T/M)
    SHIELD CAPACITY - 71,816
    SHIELD REGEN - 2,387 s/sec
    WEAPONS - Twin Phased Energy Beams (314x2 d/shot 100% rapidfire) Lock-on Energy Missiles (21700x2 d/shot 0% beam)
    DEFENCES - Shields, Pierce Polarization passive (25%), Ion hardening passive (60%), Radar Jammer
    JUMP DRIVE - Yes

    STRUCTURE HP - 301,685
    ARMOUR HP - 263,000

    Main post has also been updated to show the new version of the ship.

    • Added teleporters to core room.
    • Changed main cannon's effect.
    • Added additional thrust and jump drive modules.
    • Moved Bobby AI module to above the passenger's seat.
    • Changed main doors to blast doors.
    • Other small exterior changes
    Uploaded as a .sment to hopefully fix the issues some customers have been facing.

    Complete change to the entire vessel:
    • Changed exterior pattern to include more blue on the front of the vessel.
    • Added new interior! The vessel now has a two-man cockpit and better entrance conduit.
    • New docking collar using the newly-agreed USD Type 1 standard rail docking. NOTE: The vessel is designed to dock facing 'upwards' relative to the recieving docker.
    • Change to weapons systems - missiles have been increased from two to four outputs, beams have been slightly reduced in power to accommodate the interior improvements.

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    Reactions: mindlord0013
    Major exterior overhaul!

    • Many additional detail elements.
    • Slightly higher shield capacity and thrust to compensate for the increase in decorative hull.

    OP adjusted with new images and stats.