Star Wars Consular Class Cruiser - Radiant VII

    Star Wars Consular Class Cruiser - Radiant VII v1.4

    Update to the Personnel Ramp to be an actual ramp now and not just Plex Doors. Looks okay open, blends really well closed.

    Update to the thrusters to blend better and allow for better glow while moving the ship. This also allows the ambient glow to appear more as the engines just being warm while idle.
    A small update with a few changes
    • added some missing blocks on various parts of the hull (I doubt you'll notice)
    • added some of the new aesthetic blocks in the most recent update
    • adjusted the USD to face the correct way

    And a small note:
    The latest update, v0.199.432, screwed up all the orientation of plex wedges on the ships in my build world. If this happened to you, then all you have to do is load in a new ship that was saved prior to this update. If you save your ship with messed up wedge orientation and attempt to load it in again in the same manner, the wrong orientation will persist.
    A small update for the ship based off feedback;

    • The docking ports on either side of the ship are now USD compatible.
    • The escape pods after launching now actuate PLEX Doors to close behind them for a more immersive role-play experience. As such, the Wireless Logic blocks have been relocated on the Escape pods but are still easily accessible for re-linking if needed.
    • Missing Gravity blocks by the Docking rings have been added.