SCF Engineering - Holographic Shield Graph over Time

    SCF Engineering - Holographic Shield Graph over Time Rev. 1

    Thanks for this great piece! Preivously I was looking at regex and thinking "ok, cool, someday I'll look into it", now, thanks to your creations - that day has come (rather unexpectedly but undeniably) :) So Thanks for the motivation as well :)
    Woohah !! Great job !
    0.0 OMG, how is this even possible?........I've got to figure out this regex magic........
    0/10 is slightly offset on osx
    Great use of regex, please do more stuff
    I actually had an idea last night, but it is only feasible for smaller (block-wise) projects like this one. Basically an OS toggle button, that removes (or adds) unicode hair spaces to the beginning of each line.
    I give you the 5 stars even before i try it just because of the idea... Fracking INSANE... Can't wait to see the next one. Perhaps a BSG episode.... ;)
    This is so good !!! More like it please !!! A littlre magic inside my ships !
    this is soooo creative!
    Fantastic in both concept and execution. Very clean.
    \o/ I have been praised by kupu
    That is just awesome... beautiful work!