Oberon Fuel Refinery

    Oberon Fuel Refinery [TIER 1]

    Saw art of this on the Community artwork page on steam. Looks nice!
    Its a great station although it seems unfinished, the top floors go to open space, I could not find any controls for anything, no faction block. I love the look but it requires work. 0.5 release will be looking for 1.0
    This is an absolutely top notch build. The exterior is some absolutely inspired design work; it really looks and feels like a refinery in space. The angled tanks work great, and the barren service tunnels and walkways add something extra to the build.

    Despite some functionality problems, no airlocks, an average interior (for Skylord,) and a hangar that's just "meh," this build's look and feel easily carry it to a 5/5.
    Yet another "Masterbuild" that only looks great from a distance.
    Once you get close to it and inside it you notice the lack of consideration and thought that has gone into actually building this station. Don't get me wrong it looks awesome in general.
    But when you finally get inside and see plants that will die every time someone uses the USD and all the other holes to the interior in this "RP" build you kinda lose faith in it and it becomes nothing but yet another disappointing copy/paste monstrosity that's basically just really fucking boring to be in.

    Needs lots of refinement (no pun intended) and work especially on the interior part and the close up detail work, I mean seriously those docked fueltanks are horribly badly made when you notice how they are docked to the station.
    it is indeed a very good space station
    thanks!!! :)))))
    I love all of your stations but this is the best one yet.
    woah! thank you very much! :D