Centaric Station in your very own skyscraper in the sky.
Complete with it's own shipyard, executive suite, factory system, cubicle farm, and extensive elevator system; Centaric is a bastion of civility in an uncivilized galaxy.
Blocks: 295,981
Power Cap: 18,978,000
Power Regen: 2,371,330/sec
Shield Cap: 4,002,187
Shield Regen: 125,218/sec
Refinery with 72k cargo
Storage with 70k cargo
10 item per tick of each factory type
1000 item per tick of each factory type
Twin Goliath-class turrets with cannons, beams and tracking missile capability.
There is an open docking bay for a single small shuttle, and various docking rails along the shipyard structure and tower pylon.
1. There are a variety of docks alone the shipyard area on the ribs of the structure. This should be usable for side and nose docks.
2. Each level has a 'call elevator' button near the elevator shaft, most are opposite the gravity block, but the top and bottom most level are slightly different.
3. I figured most traffic will be between the docking bay and control room so I kept the teleporters in those two locations for that reason.
4. The interior of the station can be accessed outside of build mode by extending the power core on the reactor level.