MIC-583 mobile industrial complex

    MIC-583 mobile industrial complex v2

    Massive update; click "read more" if full list doesn't appear.

    • the ship now features living quarters, lots of it
    • old hangars now connected to the rest of the interior
    • end point of the production chain now connected to a hangar (previously dead-ended)
    • systems setup finalized

    • four new hangar bays that open onto the onboard shipyard
    • shipyard systems (can be used just like on stations, if server allows it)
    • shipyard observation room x2
    • huge shield generator room x2
    • giant rocket engine room x2

    Still have to finalize the hangars and shipyard, expect one more update, sometime.
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    Reactions: docpenguindoc
    The gigantic, suspended capsule-reactor thing in the core room is now properly attached to the walls and ceiling... not just magically levitating, lol.