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    Lendrosell Class Great Hunter Automaton 2018-06-29

    Game version
    Build 20180624_025318
    This recource contains a set escort drones that were used by my fictional faction the Amphibos Colonial Empire. Like pretty much all Amphibos ships they don't have energy shields and rely on their armor alone, wich also makes them pretty slow.
    Like most other military Amphibos ships these drones posess a permanent stealth capabilitiy (Radar jammer), that allows them to sneack into attack range and deal the first blow with their main weapons.

    As the Amphibos main fleet got ever thiner spread by what they called the galactic war, their response was to create a cheap automaton unit to aid starships during combat.

    Named after a creature that lives in hives at bottom of the Amphibos homeworld's oceans, it utilised a core computer that would connect to the flight control center of the larger starships. While the lendrosell does have the controlls to pilot it manually they were barely used at all. The automaton had neither basic livesupport nor any gravity systems that would help in compensating dangerous acceleration forces.

    The lendrosell had some upgrades during it's time of service. At the end of it's original era, shortly before the end of the galactic war, it would see it's fire power and defences aswell as the stealth ability improved.
    During the following Amphibos civil war, a number of different independence groups managed to get their hands on military Amphibos Starships. The stealth capabilities of these ships made it impossible to lock on with guided weapons. As a reaction the fleet command had some automatons outfitted with mass driver cannons.

    Ultimately the design didn't age too well, but since the Empire was in a thight spot with it's economy, the lendrosell remained a steady part of the fleet until well past the civil war.
    Lord Daro
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