Jehavey'ir-type assault ship

    Jehavey'ir-type assault ship 1.03

    Top notch aesthetics. I thought the diagonal columns in the engine room were really a nice touch, and a clever implementation of the rail system. 4 Stars since it's still incomplete and has a lot of wasted space. Would recommend using colored glass crystal instead of lights on the front and crystals/lights behind crystal glass since you get the same effect, but actually have functional windows and lights without the mass light bleed.

    Good luck with further updates on this project, because it's just really awesome looking.
    I was hesitant to completely fill out the systems as I wasn't sure what kind of balance would be ideal, aesthetics wise I feel it is done. Will considerado your advice for a future update
    (Just on the aesthetics of the ship) This is freaking AWESOME!! Good work. the brown and green plays well, same with the brown and yellow. The interior is well crafted.