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    Harpy Pack 2017-04-19

    TRV-Harpy class corvette was built as a long ranged recon ship but has been performing well as a Multi task vessel. Its sleek and unique design and large interior space makes it a good vessel for all StarMade players.

    When in combat with larger ships I recommend you fire all weapons while flying just over your target at max speed and slow down and flip your ship when your behind them. The shields would of instantly recharged to full at that time allowing you to withstand turret fire. (from experience)

    Mass 3879.9
    Blocks 32820
    length 139m
    Height 19m
    Width 65m

    Power Cap 121023.2
    Power re-gen 456197.5 Eps
    Thrust 6137.3 1.6 thrust mass ratio
    Shield cap 102661
    Shield re-gen 10505 Sps

    Ship descriptions
    Mk2A (factory): Default Retail variant with no unique paint job or markings.
    Mk2B (Trident Standard): With a Trident colour scheme and some lighting upgrades, this variant is the Trident Foundries standard for there fleet.

    Exterior design Made by Crazyf22raptor
    Systems design Made by Jamster0000
    Interior design made by crazyf22raptor

    First release
    Last update
    0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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