GTC Proteus

    GTC Proteus M3

    love it. do ya think you could make the turrets more likely NOT to try and merge with the ship to shoot the enemy?
    Extremely cool idea, and clever execution. Ignore any bad reviews; this thing is worth checking out!
    Thanks for the reveiw!
    Meh ... I thought Transformers ... much more detail required
    That's kind of impossible with a ship this size, bruh. Thanks for the review, anyways
    After a long and tiring set of evaluations... I have come to the conclusion, that I was surprised to reach.

    This thing is combat viable.

    Not just that, but durable as hell, and hard to hit when in biped mode due to the altering fighter profile.

    This thing has shown to be able to take on ships of its size with ease.

    However I do find its missiles a bit weak, maybe damage pulse instead of beam? Or will different flight packs be built? :P

    I will probably pilot this all the time, maybe a more kick ass larger one will come out soon?
    I was playing around with Missile- Pulse, and while it IS more effective it's a lot harder to hit stuff with (especially vs players) due to them being so slow and PD. I'd need to add some sort of decoy system to keep them from being instantly shot down..will definitely look into it more! The way rails work kind of limits my options as far as different variants go, but I might make a bigger bomber-like ship or something in the future, but not sure on that. Thanks for the review!
    very good "transformers" build
    Thank you sir!
    Very nice! Reminds me of the ship from strike suit zero
    I did play that game, wish they did more with it though =/
    I looked at this earlier today and thought, hmmmm it's not a very appealing design for a fighter, then I happen to look again later on and realised what it actually was... You sir are a legend! Well played! :D I was thinking of doing something like this myself. You've given me the incentive to give it a try. Keep up the good work!
    Thank you!
    The Moment i saw this i thought either Macross or Gundam :), great stuff.