GS-91-3000-STANDARD 2016-10-10

    Whoah! A new expansion in the GW line! And a nice one!

    Still don't understand why the ship line which started as a nice modular-cargo vessel line turns into a simple one-piece design. Why not to use an external container to store minerals? This way you can drop the full container at the recycling facility, load an empty one and proceed with mining while your previous harvest is being processed
    Thank you for your review! :) With a modular ship line, and a specialized ship line, I am catering to two different sorts of customers. The containers allow people to drop off cargo space onto planets or deliver it to bases with little fuss for the captain.

    However, some folks may find changing containers around more of a pain than anything else, more irritation than the advantages are worth. So I offer specialized ships for them.

    As for mining, even though the cargo of the 3000 is internal, the ship does have three docking points. It should be quite easy to have a cargoship dock to the salvager and slurp out its cargo. One could even dock a cargo container to the port and starboard side.

    I think the ship design is flexible enough to make most customers happy.