Fenn Drone-Carrier WIP

    Fenn Drone-Carrier WIP 2016-04-17

    Try out how to work with Mining Drones.

    This is a simple Ship to fly with some Mining Drones.
    - Spawn the Blueprint
    - press "K" and set all the docked Ships as parts of the Fleet
    - Fly to a Sector with some Astreoids
    - Right of the Core you find a Button to put out all the Drones
    - Press "K" again and give the Drones the Command to Mine the Sector
    - After getting all the Roids press "K" again and get your Drones back to dock.

    Wait, till all the Drones got back and found their Slot.

    This WIP Ship is like a simple test for Mining Drones, and i hope it
    helps to get a Feeling of the Mining-Drone and Fleet Update

    l240 h55 w125
    Hull+Wedging ca. 80% Done
    Interior ca. 60% Done
    Drone Sorter System works but still has some logic errors
    500k Energyreg seems a little to less in flight

    Feel Free to change the Ship for your willing or your needs
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