DSY Inc. Type-D Scimitar

    DSY Inc. Type-D Scimitar MK3 199217

    Discreet Shipyard Incorporated proudly releases the latest iteration of their notorious Scimitar destroyer.

    This is not just a new years version of the same old ship. No, with the mark 3 the engineers returned to the original vision that made the craft so fearsome in the past, adapted to the new technologies available. The Scimitar again features a long range cannon system to unshield it's foes before entering battle distance. additianlly it was equiped with some fast firing explosive amcs to shred of hull quickly and destroying multiple systems at impact...
    It also got it's original key signature, side mounted siege turrets back.
    The armor was reduced in favor of bigger dimensions, more interior, more shield recharge and a 60% passive ion effect pretty much putting the shield regeneration to a whopping 48k+/s under fire while dishing out roughly 130k dps on a single target.
    Special eye candy is the back with the new thrusters which are linked to the command decks thrust control making the ship look even more amazing.

    Thrust/Mass: 12010 / 11848 (incl. rails)
    LHW: 112/108/57
    Power: 3461188 / 1366168
    Shield: 2044012 / 150111
    StructureHP: 7451030
    ArmorHP: 1241375
    HP Damage Penalty: 1.3

    back_idle.jpg inahurry.jpg messhall.jpg commanddeck.jpg elevator.jpg medbay.jpg observationbridge.jpg transporteroom.jpg

    ---- previous versions ---

    Discreet shipyard incorporated proudly introduces the 19431 Type-D Scimitar Mk2.

    It is basically the rail system version of the previous design with a few little changes. The ship offers a lot of room for role play as well as some nice logics for blinky lights, shipwide red alert system, escape pod launch system, doors and gravity lifts.

    Thrust/Mass: 19471 / 13038 (incl. rails)
    LHW: 82/84/49
    Power: 2581407 / 1005985
    Shield: 3010106 / 31597
    StructureHP: 6520315
    ArmorHP: 1939200
    HP Damage Penalty: 1.3

    Radar Jammer
    2x Jump Drive
    Jump Inhibitor
    Ship Defense System, killing players near the core.
    Autofire Swarm Missiles logic, releasing a 60 missile strong swarm every 8 seconds.
    Escape pod launch system

    2 Big manable Turrets
    4 Fighter Defense Turrets
    4 Homing Missile Turrets
    8 Point Defense Turrets

    2 Escape Pods

    Safe Travels

    --- old description ---

    Discreet Shipyard Inc. proudly reveals it's first Destroyer the Type-D Scimitar.
    The Scimitar is considered a light destroyer but offers a lot of offensive potential.
    The ship offers a lot of room for role play as well as some nice logics for blinky lights, shipwide red alert system, escape pod launch system, doors and gravity lifts.

    Thrust/Mass: 19410 / 11846
    LHW: 82/84/49
    Power: 2.567.685 / 962.661
    Shield: 1.250.068 / 30.563 (pre-018999)

    Cannon/Beam/Ion 3000/1600/2900 | ~200k Shield damage, 4k range every 2.6s
    Missile/Beam/Explosive 75/75/75 | 3x~16.5k damage, 9.6k range, 45s
    Radar Jammer
    Jump Drive 109/5924

    2 Assault Turrets
    2 Fighter Defense Turrets
    4 Homing Missile Turrets
    10 Point Defense Turrets

    2 Escape Pods
    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 18 ratings

    More resources from Drakkart

    Latest updates

    1. no more power supply beams...

      originall the ship had roughly 3.x million power storage and the missile turrets would produce...
    2. Scimitar MK3

      Rebuild from the ground up. - Lighter armor - bigger in size more space for interior (4 floors)...
    3. uploaded .sment instead of the .zip (sorry i got rusty)

      uploaded .sment instead of the .zip (sorry i got rusty) it still says .zip up there so i also...

    Latest reviews

    The ship design is really interesting and detailed. The interiors are very nicely suited for RP, and the logic features add a lot of depth to the ship – especially the engine ignition sequence, which tbh the video doesn’t really do justice to. I guess for lack of a better word, this is a very cinematic ship – I could definitely imagine some cool machinima being recorded with it. 10/10 would blow stuff up with it again.
    yeah recording this was hard and how to show the engine of? But thank you for really have a look into it yeah the logic for reseting the non picked activation modules was most interesting to tinker with. Thanks for the review aylad ; )
    I love this ship. It is a great balance between RP space and power. The design is very striking and it really stands out. I especially enjoyed the escape pods :P
    i actually really had to tinker a bit to make them stay put untill someone wants to catapult out... Thanks for the review man
    Looks awesome! you just don't see enough vertical designs like this, its very impressive
    Also, it reminds me of the online comic "schlock mercenary", a ship called the "Post-Dated Check Loan".
    for reference: http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2001-03-25
    Hmm i kinda think someone mentioned that already. Thanks for the review man ; )
    This is the most impressive ship I have ever seen. It is totally a role play ship, it would pass muster on the hardest core role play server. And yet, it was entered into an elimination tournament for pure combat designs, in which it went up against pure combat focused monsters. In spite of this, this amazing ship placed third! I could not possibly be more impressed.
    :D that is true for the pre rails version. This current version 19431 is the rail refit aiming again for this fusion of RP,Design,and power but ofc with rails and manable turrets :) weight was a big efficiency concern so ... but yes i think it turned out pretty well ; )
    I remember this one from the Blood and Steel tournament. Make no mistakes folks, this ship packs enough heat to kick the ass of anything in its weight class AND looks damn good in the process. Inside and outside. Now that she had her due overhaul, I can only recommend this ship for RP, PvE and PvP too. (and I'd love to see how my Archer would fare against it. After all, both were originally built for the same tournament :P)
    Thanks for the review man, nice wording, appreciated ; ) as soon as you updated your archer to the railssystem (for fairness reasons) i will gladly accept the challenge and i am sure we will find a server to host our lil event :)
    This ship is excellent! From its unique design around the ship from the detailed engines, to missile launchers. It has a beautiful interior that is full of logic and works so elegantly. Its great in combat and fun to use with a couple of friends on board.
    Thank you :)

    Presentation 5/5
    Overall Design 5/5
    Fit and Finish 5/5
    Interior Design 5/5
    Combat Effectiveness 4.9/5
    Thanks Sven awesome video review!
    Power supply is really worth it? Either way great ship.
    nice looking both outside and inside !
    thanks man :)
    Loving the mix between design, effiziency and logic!!!
    Great work!