CU (Colonial Union) Tactical Battleship

    CU (Colonial Union) Tactical Battleship V11.0

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    CU Tacitical Battleship is a midsized battleship with forward facing main heat seeking missiles.

    It was used during the colonial crisis shortly after the great war which destroyed the surface of Centauri Alpha (one of two habitable planets in the system) almost completely. Which lead to the 2nd uprising against the remnants of the Union called The New Empire.

    Some former units of the Union Navy were able to steal two of the Union's battleships in order to eliminate important military bases on Centauri Alpha's moon's. The Tactical Battleship alongside with another Battlecruiser and an Interceptor type starship were used to successfully search and destroy the stolen ships.

    The Union which colonized both moons of Centauri Alpha and parts of Centauri Alpha had to face an almost definite collapse after the great war.
    The war destroyed almost 90% of Centauri Alpha's surface and thus the majority of humans living in this system as the Union only began to colonize the twin planet Centauri Beta.
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