-No longer recommended. Less than optimal control system, slightly larger size than necessary.-

    By adding another shootout rail clock to the current design, I was able to reduce it's initial charge time to 46 seconds. In addition, the size of the clock is smaller than most of my other designs, but is still larger than the last one, at a size of 3x3x16.

    These changes have lead to increased complexity in the clock, and may be more difficult to implement into your ships initially. Both shootout rail clocks must have the core of the clock behind the docker. They must both also be placed on either of the two backwards facing rails, not the forwards facing rail. (If you mess this up, simply press the button above them - it's not required for copy paste, it just makes it easier to fix.) In addition, it has a delay/not clock that is required for the functionality of the build. If it turns off when you copy/paste, simply toggle the delay near the front of the right side of the device.
    -No longer recommended. Slow functionality, coupled with a less than optimal control system.-

    It appears that in the last update the number of allowed ticks per second to a single jumpdrive was reduced, making my larger designs significantly slower. They went from an initial charge time of 50 seconds to an initial charge time of 84 seconds. I tested some ways of slowing the drive, and found a solution that almost preserves the same speed, whilst greatly reducing the size of the drive. This version is 3x3x12 and has an initial charge time of 91 seconds. I also re-added the jump-once button by incorporating it with the stop button. If you press the stop button whilst the jumpdrive is turned off, it will jump once.
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    -No longer recommended. Slow functionality for a drive of its size.-

    This update expands the size of the drive, (3x3x24) but reduces it's initial charge time to 50 seconds. I also re-introduced the buttons for the inner ship remotes because I had the space and it was actually a quite nice feature.

    The way the clock works has changed, now it uses a pair of shootout rails facing each other to generate the original clock, rather than a rotator. The flipflop system works the same way, but had to be expanded to another layer because of the initial speed of the clock.

    -Current recommended version do to issues discussed in the most recent version.-

    This update reduces the control system, and adds an instant pulse amplifier to decrease charge time, and reduces the size from 21x3x3 to 17x3x3.

    Since it seemed like people just spammed the buttons anyways, they no longer have unnecessary buttons attached to them. In addition to that, I got rid of the jump-once button because it did not seem that useful.

    The more significant change in this update is the instant pulse amplifier though. Because of how jump-drives accept logic signals, I was able to design an instant pulse system that would send a high pulse every time the clock would turn on or off, effectively doubling the clocks speed. This has reduced the initial charge time from 1:45-2:00 to just over 1:00. This has also allowed me to reduce the number of jump-drives in the bank from 27 (which was not 100% stable) to 23 (which should be stable.) which in turn reduces the designs length by another block.

    -No longer recommended. Slow functionality for a drive of its size.-

    Heillos integrated my chain drive into a faction ship, but he changed the control scheme and I liked it a lot. I decided it would be a good idea to put it on the dock, since it avoids a lot of issues with the drive.

    The old control scheme was three buttons, one to toggle jumping/not jumping, one to toggle the clock, and one to make it jump once and charge a bit. The new control scheme has four buttons, one to toggle the clock, one to make it start jumping, one to make it stop jumping, and one to make it jump once and charge a bit.

    An issue with the previous control scheme was that when you were on a laggy server, sometimes it would take a moment for the wireless logic to visually change, even though it had already changed for the server. This caused me (and probably some of my faction mates) to jump strait to our destination, try to stop jumping, and then accidentally carry on jumping. This system fixes that, because you can always be sure of what your clicking's function. If it's the stop button; you're going to stop jumping.

    This improvement has come at a cost however, and extended it two blocks forwards. I think this extension is fine for now, but in the future I would like to keep it as small as possible while still being moderately easy to understand and modify.

    If you find any issues with it, or have any suggestions, please contact me with a review or a PM.

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