BroomCorp A-3 Light Corvette

    BroomCorp A-3 Light Corvette 2015-12-04

    BroomCorp presents: A-2 Light Corvette

    The A-1 Light Corvette has been succeeded by the refitted A-2, the central body of the ship has been expanded to allow for extra thrust as all the armour has been upgraded by one tier. Obsolete storage compartments have been fitted with teleporters and I have improved the Cb turrets. I have also added a picture of where the button is.
    starmade-screenshot-0021.png starmade-screenshot-0019.png starmade-screenshot-0018.png
    (NEW)- 2 twelve missile systems
    Type: HeatSeeking
    Damage per missile: 11400

    (KEPT)- 1 four missile system
    Type: LockOn
    Damage per missile 423000

    (KEPT)- 1 thirty eight beam system
    Dps per beam: 7050

    (REMOVED) 1 four cannon system
    *Replaced with thrust and shields*

    Modifications have been made to allow the A-2 to come closer to the action, buffing shields and adding anti starfighter weapons. Amour has been significantly upgraded. Turret system overhaul range of motion improved. Jump drive improved. Teleporters added. Central body expanded.