If I'm standing on a hill, both you and I would see me standing on that hill, on that block. The difference is that you will see both of us at a different angle relative to the local star than I will.Someone should try implementing that in a traditional 3d environment.
Because, I sense figuring out the movement traveled on the sphere and on the voxel grid might be a tad bit tricky. Especially the deeper you are down in the voxel grid. But I never saw a system like that in action.. So I can't really say anything with certainty..
Mainly because, in the example, you assume the grid is perfectly flat, but the terrain on planets is jagged and filled with holes and etc..
And basically, the closer you get to the center/core of the sphere, the less diameter it has. So you have to account for that on your "faked" voxel grid, and make the player/ship travel less the deeper you get.
And, I'm not sure what you mean with the distortion getting into the atmosphere. Not to mention, actual atmosphere is not a requirement on planets. Some, like moons, have hardly any.
And I'm not sure what you're implying with player positions being different between clients. Because, interactions between players might be a bit complicated, no ?
But, you brought something pretty neat and refreshing.
Altitude has little to do with the matter. The client would still render the voxel chunks tangent to the sphere beneath the player's feet. The player's feet don't have to be ON the sphere, just above it and within gravity. The voxels would be above or would replace the globe mesh. EDIT: To clarify, since the whole thing is an edge-wrapping square map faked onto a sphere, you don't have to worry about distortions going higher or deeper. It would be the same diameter at 100m off the ground as 200m underground, and would remain this way until exiting the atmosphere/gravity/sector. (I expect one of these three will mark the boundary of the special effects needed to make the planet work.)