X axis inverted


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    Sep 11, 2013
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    When I hope into my turret from the Y axis on the top (up and down) it's fine for movement but the X axis is inverted becomes backwards, yet when I jump into the lower X axis block it works fine, is the Y axis inverting the X axis? Is there a fix for this?


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
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    sounds like your barrel is docked upside down? make sure both the barrel and base is aligned to galactic north (press C) before trying to dock them or build them


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    I have 3 components facing north - the ship, the X axis of the turret, and the Y axis all face north The arrow was pointing north when I placed the core blocks.

    After jumping into the X-axis I noticed it is upside down but facing north and goes left and right fine, so I have to find what is causing The X axis to be inverted humm
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    Home of Titan Guard
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    Every time I place the block down for X axis turret, I become inverted and need another ship to hop in and hop back out to fix this upside down nonsense, now if I build it upside down everything becomes upside down including Y axis but it functions normally left to right and up and down and C button is reversing the turret facing the other direction towards the rear of the ship!

    I think this IS Bugged!
    Dec 3, 2013
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    could your rail docker or the rail your attaching the turret too be pointing the wrong way? I know Ive done that before. You prolly checked it but figured I'd mention it just in case.

    Other then that, you could blueprint the barrel and then spawn it to see if that one derps out too. If it doesn't then the original is bugged for some reason. If it doesn't work, then odds are you need to rebuild the barrel.


    Home of Titan Guard
    Sep 11, 2013
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    It's the X axis that keeps inverting on the turret rail axis I can build this anywhere and it inverts constantly I can dock to other dock entities and there fine soon as I go to make the turret rail axis into a base for a turret it inverts? and becomes glitchy where sometime I got hop into another ship to correct the invert, Its staying with my character? This one of those leaky bugs that goes over the place. I re down load the game see if that helps.
    Nope re-downloading had no effect, the arrow in the placement block only points your direction your camera is facing, The view is being inverted and mirrored even tho I'm facing the right direction I'm upside down and backwards in my camera view and only doing this on the X-axis switch to the Y axis and Y axis is fine except left and right are backwards from the X-axis, I tried multiple ways the only solution was to build X-axis upside down so at least the turret would function upside down and backwards on both the Y and X axis, so the Bobby AI can operate
    The options don't have a X-axis invert just the Y-axis can be inverted.
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    I just tried it in single player and does the same thing it inverts the view.

    I hopped into the core of the turret for the X axis and this the view from that turret

    [doublepost=1493312559,1493311167][/doublepost]here is a sequence of pics

    Just separated from the main ship or turret docking rail

    and now I jumped out of the X- axis core and I'm still inverted

    Now into another ship core and it reverts me back normally.



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    Ok after some more playing around it was the box arrow for the placement of the core, there is more than one forward arrow as there are various forward arrows. Thats f--k up big time, why they have so many arrows is on beyond belief hours spent on this one f--ked up problem, Which forward arrow do you pick, I picked the arrow on the top this time. and the problem went away was like WTF. Since this going to BE a problem for many builders out there. There should be an in depth explanation of what all the arrows do, one should not have to guess at this problem. Is there any info on the arrow selection on this web site that explains it?

    Arrow facing forward on the top corrected the problem

    Forward facing arrow on the bottom

    Forward facing on the right side

    Forward facing arrow on the left side

    What do they all do and their purposes? 4 Forward facing arrows and none of the U-tube video's showed this in there tutorials, looks like there are lots of people to realize this yet!
    Feb 25, 2016
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    You are looking at the same arrow.

    It's got three sides and three different colors. But it's the same arrow. I fail to see why you are confused.


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    Check the arrows again they rotate around in the block, notice there not all in the same position If you notice there was a problem with a inverted view placing the arrow forward other than on the top of the outline core, I didn't make this shit up unless this something buggy about the system of game play, try it for yourself . There arrow indicator is not in the middle but rotates around the edges.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
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    Personally I have given up on using the "create dock" option. It's easier to just spawn a new core and place the docker and dock yourself that way you dont mess up your orientation when making turrets.


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
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    The side the arrow is on will be the top of the ship, pointing forwards.


    Home of Titan Guard
    Sep 11, 2013
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    I followed the U-tube videos on this subject first and there was no mention of the 4 forward arrows, unless this is newer feature than what is described in the video's, no one is updating the WIKI either, which could save someone hours of frigging around with a complex system. I ended up with an inverted view backwards and upside down with the arrow pointed forward. So the placement of the arrow in the box location is relative to the view and performance of said turret, or I else I would not be having this conversation:)
    Feb 10, 2017
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    Every time I place the block down for X axis turret, I become inverted and need another ship to hop in and hop back out to fix this upside down nonsense...
    Hitting spacebar while near an entity will align your astronaut to that entity... saves jumping in/out of another ship.
    Feb 27, 2014
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    Ive had simlar issues. In general I find that I have to muck around with the orientation of the dockers if I'm trying to dock turrets to the side of something. E.g you are in the turret, move your view left and it moves the view right, up becomes down etc.
    Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I don't think I should have the dockers at werid angles for it to function right XD
    Mar 30, 2015
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    Ok after some more playing around it was the box arrow for the placement of the core, there is more than one forward arrow as there are various forward arrows. Thats f--k up big time, why they have so many arrows is on beyond belief hours spent on this one f--ked up problem, Which forward arrow do you pick, I picked the arrow on the top this time. and the problem went away was like WTF. Since this going to BE a problem for many builders out there. There should be an in depth explanation of what all the arrows do, one should not have to guess at this problem. Is there any info on the arrow selection on this web site that explains it?

    Arrow facing forward on the top corrected the problem

    Forward facing arrow on the bottom

    Forward facing on the right side

    Forward facing arrow on the left side

    What do they all do and their purposes? 4 Forward facing arrows and none of the U-tube video's showed this in there tutorials, looks like there are lots of people to realize this yet!
    The arrow you see when adding a docked entity in build mode represents the direction the core will face AND it's orientation. The direction the arrow faces represents the direction the front of the core will face. The side of the teal box where the arrow appears represents where the top of the core will be. If the arrow is on top and faces forward the core will be normal. If the arrow is on the bottom and facing forward the core is still going to face forward but it'll be upside down.
    [doublepost=1493451509][/doublepost]I think I solved your problem with my post but wanted to add that even if an axis seems inverted while piloting a turret the Bobby AI can compensate for it and the turret will work just fine. This is only an issue if you want the turrets to be manned by players.