When do we 'lock-in' ?


    CEO Snataris Colonial Fleetyards
    Sep 10, 2013
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    StarMade to me is the Shipscore block and an X number of other blocks. Grab a core add some systems and shoot the other players or pirates with it. That's what most players want to do. Just frolic around and have fun while doing that. Alpha ended there.
    There's so much more to even the basic mechanic (which is indeed ship design) than "grab core and slab systems on". Most good ships take many months to design and build, and factions will usually have their builders as well as people who pilot the ships in combat. Just shooting up something with zero effort can indeed be done much better in other games, but that's not the target demographic of starmade at this state.

    Everything else is dressup. Rails, logic, cargo, ships health all nice additions but nothing that effects or should effect the sentence above.
    All these elements (especially rails and logic) aim to add emergent complexity, which is the underlying success in sandbox games. They are, in the long run, as essential as the ship core itself. Noone is forced to use all of them, but their availability is a core concept.

    I never build anything that used logic. I use rails to park my ships and give two axis to my turrets.
    You really are missing out.

    Mind you the old dockers only needed one even better. And cargo just made my life terrible complex because i can't carry all my stuff around. It even effects the power use of my ship.
    The old dockers looked hideous even in default rotation, moreso when clipped, and the turrets where just as ugly. The only thing they had going for them was FPS performance, which is being tackled iteratively in updates now.

    I'm not afraid to say no. My whole life resolves around no. Even in the free West that makes my life pretty darn hard. In most places on planet Earth your only option is to say yes. They even make sure you smile while you say yes.
    (thanks to whoever made this originally)


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    StarMade to me is the Shipscore block and an X number of other blocks. Grab a core add some systems and shoot the other players or pirates with it. That's what most players want to do. Just frolic around and have fun while doing that. Alpha ended there.

    Everything else is dressup. Rails, logic, cargo, ships health all nice additions but nothing that effects or should effect the sentence above. I never build anything that used logic. I use rails to park my ships and give two axis to my turrets. Mind you the old dockers only needed one even better. And cargo just made my life terrible complex because i can't carry all my stuff around. It even effects the power use of my ship.
    Your very idea of what constitutes an alpha is absolutely, irrevocably wrong.
    Jul 15, 2014
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    I mean sure, the game is factually in alpha. But using my bizarre, vague definition...
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    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    StarMade to me is the Shipscore block and an X number of other blocks. Grab a core add some systems and shoot the other players or pirates with it. That's what most players want to do. Just frolic around and have fun while doing that. Alpha ended there.
    Speak for yourself. This is a voxel game, like Minecraft. No long term Minecraft player just plays it to kill zombies with a stone sword. Using that sandbox to build big cool awesome things is what the dedicated playerbase uses it for.

    If you like building a 5x5 mud hut and just whacking on zombies, well thats fine, but please don't think that is all Minecraft has to offer. Same here, if you think just slapping some systems on a core and shooting Isanths is the extent of the game, you're missing 95% of what the game actually is.
    Everything else is dressup. Rails, logic, cargo, ships health all nice additions but nothing that effects or should effect the sentence above. I never build anything that used logic.
    Well, just a thought, but why don't you try making some complicated stuff? I mean, you're complaining that there isn't enough to do, yet you also admit that you intentionally aren't doing most of what is available? How does that make sense again, exactly?
    And cargo just made my life terrible complex because i can't carry all my stuff around. It even effects the power use of my ship.
    Its terribly complex that you have to put all of one extra type of block on your stuff? You already said you don't care about "dressup" stuff, so is a floating cube of cargo blocks really that hard?
    Some of the best StarMade players i have know quit the game recently. There are only 3 to 4 high population 20+ servers left.
    That has more to do with the simple fact that high population servers aren't attractive to new players. All the available system space in the main universe has been claimed, so new players to the server can't get a start on their own. Many people like to, you know, play the game, not just join a faction in the first 30 seconds and have everything handed to them. Thats boring. If you can't reach empty space, then you can't set up your own little empire, then you just leave to find another server where you can.

    Thats life in Starmade.

    Energy has been reinvented 3 to 4 times with aux power now getting thrown into the mix.
    Alpha is alpha, things are going to change.
    Ending Alpha doesn't mean nothing ever changes. Minecraft still gets updates and additions.
    You don't seem to understand the difference between Alpha and Content Updates. Starmade is in Alpha, it's core mechanics aren't finished yet. There is a huge difference between Minecraft introducing a new block or two every so often and Minecraft not having a crafting table yet. Starmade isn't even half done yet, its still being made.
    But for a game this long under creation some things need to be finalised.
    Length of production is irrelevant. Most of the time its been literally one guy making this game. Right now we're up to what, 3 whole people making this game?

    You can't judge the timescale of an indie game made by less people than you have fingers on one hand by comparing it to something like EA where they can throw hundreds of people at it working around the clock (and still take years to make a game).

    Or more importantly if there will be anyone left to play it. Which would be a darn shame after all the blood sweat and tears poured into this game by the devs.
    Old players will leave, new ones will come in. Thats how it works. Starmade hasn't even been advertised in any way yet. Players will come when the game is done and actually gets put out there as a "Hey, we made a game! Come play it!" kind of thing.
    So No this game to me is not Alpha. But feel free to disagree. ;)
    Well you can say that to you a Great Dane isn't a dog, but that doesn't make it so. Just because your definition of a word differs from not only the generally accepted one, but the literal technical definition isn't an issue for anyone else but you. Not to sound rude, but the game is still in Alpha. Core mechanics are still being added to it on a regular basis. That is the literal definition of an Alpha. Just because you don't think it is doesn't mean it isn't, it just means you're using words wrong.
    Aug 27, 2014
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    Just as an aside, as a returning player away for awhile, I love the new cargo block and the direction it takes the game. Anything to add realism.

    My first big ship I am building on my return, a salvager, has a "cargo room" just so I can go see all the boxes pile up....

    This kind of change, the opposite of dumbing down, gives me hope for the future of this game.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Just as an aside, as a returning player away for awhile, I love the new cargo block and the direction it takes the game. Anything to add realism.
    Oh I agree.

    It has made my builds BETTER, IMO.

    I now need loads of space for the cargo blocks, which means I need to hide that space. Which means my stations got bigger and more impressive. Before my stations were routinely half the size of my ships due simply to the fact there was so little they actually needed.

    Now they're bigger, more impressive, and more detailed. I love that. I wouldn't have built them that much bigger without that extra incentive, and I really like how it all looks now.


    Oct 30, 2015
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    What is the point of gathering a hundred thousand players when half of them leave when an update breaks their build?
    Exactly!. The people who are currently playing this game regularly are all willing, volunteer-testers. If there is someone ranting about the unfinished aspect of an Alpha game...they just don't get it.

    Player Base? I will take a months-long hiatus from playing the game while features gets revamped. I have been active on the forums for the past six months in spite of the fact that I am hardly 'playing' the game. How do any of us know the reasons that other players have for taking a break from playing. Do they fill out an exit-poll or something...or are we ass-u-ming. How do we know that they are not simply sticking to single-player for a while or focused on design? My friend creates his SM designs on graph paper or in MC so basically this player-base does not get counted. I am confidant that a huge number of players are just waiting for the game to mature some more before they dive back in.

    This game is not Alpha. It's just a sticker.
    This statement is an erroneous opinion not a fact. When a definition applies for just the speaker and contradicts what (literally) everyone else agrees upon as the true meaning...that's crazy-talk and is the enemy of actual communication.

    If you're building a ship large enough to need power aux, I don't think we're talking about the same size ship.
    Maybe we are talking about a Kamikaze fighter packed with an explosive reactor and prepared to ram it into a battleship (FTW). Reactor based limpet-mines anyone?
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