What is the largest know ship ever made?

    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Father Torms "Church" long lost relic from Torm Tech words cant do justice
    May 25, 2015
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    Just to imply..the Star Wars Super Star Destoyer..was not the Largest ship that ever existed..A Ship i can think off the top of mine that was bigger than the Super Sat Destroyer was ther Covenant COS Super Carrier which was 29Km the biggest thing to ever exist which is from Halo again..is the Ark...surpassing the earth and every other thing ever made in a Sci-F game/movie


    Home of Titan Guard
    Sep 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    289982.png starmade-screenshot-0086 (1).png
    I forget the sizes and blocks used as you can see the old pirate station in the one pic is roughly the size of the turret barrels.
    it was quite huge in the end. but for all the constant upgrading and rebuilding it was a real pain in the ass!
    A great deal was holding all of the power cards I had made think like 50 0f them was used as they were ships as well the turrets also had it's own power as well and could be lanched as ships too, it also housed the B-Wing squadron as also the bottom had two orbitial turrets that split in the middle of the ship and hung down wards which are being redone in the 2nd picture.

    You had to go way back just to take a screen shot of it and on servers my ship had to be far away from spawn due to the lag ot caused it...
    You had to be sectors away from it or it would blast you one shot you basically

    The top cannon turret was for dropping shields for a one hit wonder.
    from a side barrage you had 8 Titian turrets facing you and the top cannon as it was designed to fire forwards and backwards as the turrets were on steps of height.

    From far off it looked like a floating factory 🏭or a space station of sorts for all the lighting I had on it -> navigation lights
    in the earlier version when they had sound the rounds use to make this crazy noise if you flew by them or they passed by close enough.

    Oh well the good ole days - cheers guys
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