I have a few questions about this. The back story is I have been working on a rather large ship and it does not have engines yet so it is stationed close to a shop for supplies. I used the camera reset so that is at a 90° angle from the shop and other than that it cannot move on its own. I have had this issue pop up a couple times and reloading usually works, but sometimes the parts are just gone. I have noticed now however my ship has been slowly moving away from the station. It started out at 103m and is now sitting at 158m I only noticed because I can no longer access the store from the ship and will have to add a tug drive to tow it back to the station.
So my first question is Why is my ship moving, as i said it does not have a way to move on its own and never did except for the first few seconds before I pasted a 20x30 floor around it and I made sure to set the parking break first (held the complete stop button down about 20 seconds beyond the 0 kph. mark).
which leads to my second question are stations and static objects rotating around the central star and if so could there be a bug in the processing of moving the ships and stations that maybe looses some of the data when the ship/planet/etc is moved by rotation?